本月發布的新機器,被提升為更有效和更便宜的替代殼管熱交換器和氣壓冷凝器,目前使用的行業。400 AlfaCond AlfaCond低容量的模型,該黨公司描述為世界上第一個專用板冷凝器。AlfaCond凝結蒸汽underlow-pressure,高真空條件下蒸發和蒸餾係統。更大的蒸餾係統的模型建立和蒸發結晶過程中使用大容量甜味劑植物,糖米爾斯,澱粉和乙醇工廠。較小的版本設計直接為食品行業,通常有小流程,阿法拉伐的營銷經理,托馬斯·科瓦奇,告訴FoodProductionDaily.com。它可以用於過程涉及到沸騰,冷凝和濃度的食品。400 AlfaCond便宜約20%至30%比當前機器使用的食品處理器。它也有較小的空間需求和更少的重量導致有關維修費用降低,Kovacs說。由於其模塊化設計,冷凝器的大小也可滿足加工操作。400年AlfaCond基於板框式換熱器概念,該公司在一份新聞稿中說。 "It provides high thermal efficiency as a result of asymmetrical plate design with normal width channels on the water side and wide semi-welded channels on the vapour side,"the company stated. "This creates high turbulence and velocity on the water side while maintaining low pressure on the vapour side." The vapor inlet is designed for large amounts of low-pressure vapour with moderate velocity and low pressure drop. "These features make the AlfaCond 400 the most cost-effective choice for most low-pressure condensation applications," the company stated. External links to companies or organisations mentioned in this story: Alfa Laval