




Rexam說,變化會使客戶更容易和更便宜的飲料處理器以滿足德國和歐盟的包裝回收的要求。去年歐盟委員會設定的新需求大致雙包裝回收歐盟25個成員國的目標。他們將給食品工業帶來了額外的成本壓力,這是一個主要的生產商的包裝浪費。包裝和包裝廢棄物指令去年1994年修訂後的2004年,涵蓋了所有的包裝放置在歐盟市場上,所有包裝浪費,是否使用或發布在工業,商業,辦公室,商店,服務、家庭或其他層麵,不管所使用的材料。國家必須引入係統的返回和收集利用包裝來達到目標。但2008年底至少60%的包裝必須恢複orincinerated浪費。55至80%的包裝廢物必須回收。玻璃、紙張和董事會的目標是60%的體重。對金屬目標是50%,22.5%塑料和木材15%。Rexam鋁的轉換是一個應對德國的計劃引進一個全國性的單向容器在2006年5月返回係統。鋁的有利的經濟可以在存款係統結合環境記錄的關鍵驅動力,Rexam說。 Aluminium cans are fully recyclable. The aluminium can go through the recycling process repeatedly without deterioration. "Rexam believes the high scrap value of aluminium will make the beverage can the most viable packaging solution within the new return system," the company stated. "With ascrap value that is at least one euro cent higher than any other packaging material, a used aluminium beverage can is the only pack that will generate a good scrap income under the deposit." Beverage cans also have lower handling costs throughout the supply chain. Returned cans can be easily compacted for transport. Rexam plans to start converting the Berlin plant will start in January 2006. The process is due to be completed by the end of the second quarter at a cost of €24m. Following the conversion, production at the plant will increase from two to three lines creating an estimated 40 new jobs. Rexam has two steel can plants in Spain. The company has a total of about 20 can plants across Europe. In 2003, about 10.7 million tonnes of aluminium were used in fabricated goods in the EU's 25 members. Primary production of the metal in the bloc currently amounts to about 2.9 million tonnes,according to figures by the European Aluminium Association. Without aluminium recycling, the bloc would have to import about 7.8 million tonnes of aluminium to meet current requirements. In 2003, the EU25 produced 3.9 million tonnes of aluminium castings,wrought aluminium and deoxidation aluminium from scrap, the association stated. External links to companies or organisations mentioned in this story: Rexam

