




新的麵包店,翻新,準備2006年7月,會產生一係列的白色和全麥麵包,包括公司的農舍麵包,其暢銷產品在威爾士。此舉沃伯頓的旨在壟斷溢價麵包部門結合質量與當地供應生產。“我們驕傲自己提供最新鮮的麵包上,新的麵包店將意味著一個更短的時間被烤的麵包和到達消費者之間,”David Williams說,沃伯頓在西南區域銷售經理。該公司是在全國領先的麵包店,稱其在該地區的銷售大幅增長,導致需要增加產能。“這是沃伯頓的大規模投資,加強了我們的承諾,威爾士和南西。對我們產品的需求持續增長的地區和南部的另一個網站的英國具有良好的商業意義,是我們的擴張計劃的關鍵,”主席喬納森·沃伯頓說。麵包店將每天生產125000條,將有助於為南部威爾士和英格蘭西南部,與公司現有的南威爾士得寶,自2001年以來一直在操作。當地生產一般的流行近年來消費者肯定會卷土重來,如圖所示的快速增長在當地農貿市場提供優質產品。2003年的一項調查顯示,市場研究人員Mintel顯示,23%的受訪者從農貿市場買食物,英國購物者首選本地商品,因為他們認為它是新鮮的。沃伯頓的“當地”的政策紅利,到目前為止,在英國第三大麵包製造商,僅次於英國麵包店和倫琴數,更令人印象深刻的一個壯舉,沃伯頓沒有自有品牌的產品。 The company must now hope that the UK bread market can hold up to its programme of expansion, which also includes the construction of a huge bakery capable of producing two million bread loaves per week in West Yorkshire. The latest figures from Mintel show that the UK bakery market has been steady in the last few years with a value of more than £3 billion in 2003, and most growth is expected in the premium sector; a move likely to suit Warburtons. Early this year Warburtons announced that it had bought up the Rathbones bakery in Stockton, northern England, in order to meet increased consumer demand. Last year, as well as building its £60 million Yorshire bakery, the company also opened a £15 million extension to its Bellshill Scottish bakery, doubling the plant's output to 1.5 million loaves every week. External links to companies or organisations mentioned in thisstory: Warburtons
