英國麵包房設備製造商開發了接口,允許它安裝的頭Multitex4麵團腐朽到大多數現有成型機械。“新頭,麵包師可以改善麵包的質量。薄膜過程進行一個更溫和的方式,減少壓力對麵團和導致更大的體積和碎屑柔軟,“APV營銷經理基斯·格雷厄姆說。Multitex4模頭四雙布輥,平球揉成表,準備滾和塑造。通過增加卷的數量,APV聲稱對麵團減輕壓力。“麵團處理更溫柔地有更多的步驟減少麵團厚度。這減少了壓力,往往損害麵團結構,從而提高麵包質量,”格雷厄姆告訴BakeryAndSnacks.com。“我們實際上做的是減少加工過程中的損失為了讓麵包發展以充分發揮其潛力,”他補充道。公司聲稱配件Multitex4頭到現有的麵團腐朽會增加麵包體積和10%的麵包屑柔軟18%。此外,線圈實現當麵團滾床單的數量將增加3 - 4到4 - 5,它聲稱提高麵包質量和顏色。因為實現更高的麵包柔軟,可以延長保質期至少一天,格雷厄姆說。 The Multitex4, which was first launched as a complete dough moulder in the latter part of last year, claims to be the only machine on the market to achieve these results on a processing level. According to the company, the Multitex4 can be used to improve current bread quality, or to achieve similar results using a reduced level of bread improver ingredients, cutting costs. The company, which is this month marketing the equipment's retrofit ability worldwide, said the Multitex4 head can be fitted quickly and easily, with minimal engineering required. "For plant bakeries with existing machines that are not yet life expired, this provides a low-cost route to the premium quality market," said APV. External links to companies or organisations mentioned in thisstory: APV Baker