歐盟委員會調查Chupa Chups國家援助



相關標簽Chupa chups歐盟

歐盟委員會(European Commission)已經啟動了一個開放的調查棒棒糖
製造商Chupa Chups建立如果€3500萬貸款發放的

Chupa Chups發言人羅斯Santane告訴ConfectioneryNews.com,該公司認為貸款市場利率。“我們驚訝於這個調查,但歐盟將不得不等到接待交流提供一個回答他們的問題,“Santane說。歐共體競爭政策發言人奧黛麗Lemonnier告訴ConfectioneryNews.com,如果貸款打破規則的糖果商將不得不償還貸款利息自發放之日起。“委員會正在收集更多的信息。在其最終決定將首先,必須決定是否貸款元素和涉及國家援助,如果是在第二步是否可以找到這樣的援助與共同市場兼容。如果這是不兼容的,複蘇將是正常的結果,“Lemonnier說。競爭力執委克洛澤說,她懷疑加泰羅尼亞政府行為是否以同樣的方式作為一個市場的投資者。如果貸款是沒有類似條件的投資貸款雙方將判定扭曲了成員國之間的競爭。克羅斯說,有規則,允許政府幫助企業遭遇財務困難。然而,規則規定,錢必須有關公司和納稅人受益。 "I am opening an inquiry to establish the facts because I have some doubts that the rules have been complied with in this case," Kroes said. Chupa Chups has experienced sales shortfalls in recent years resulting in the closure of facilities in Brazil, France and China as well as some secondary brands. The loan issued in 2003 by the financial agency of the Catalonian regional government aided the company's restructuring. A complaint was subsequently submitted to the Commission. Spanish authorities have since revealed further additional measures in favour of the confectioner. Chupa Chups is the world's main supplier of lollipops, which make up 70 per cent of its business, worth €264 million in 2004. Chupa Chups was established in 1940 and is based in Spain with two production facilities in its home country as well as Russia and Mexico.


