



快餐食品的國家,本月在戛納首映,堅定地把焦點在全球食品行業的道德問題。這些業務不出來聞玫瑰。電影中,一個虛構的Eric Schlosser 2001同名暢銷暴露,涵蓋了食品生產的各個方麵,從農民工到不正當的營銷活動。一美元是底線。倫理性考量去幾乎一樣的內髒虛構的科羅拉多屠宰場。這部電影基於發展類調查性報道——利用食品工業作為一個不道德的龐然大物,毒藥和破壞。快餐國家是一本暢銷書,Schlosser的下一本書,咀嚼,可能會以同樣的方式。消費者不僅變得更加積極參與他們吃什麼。他們也成為食品工業的高度不信任,和高度接受industry-bashing故事。太多的批評經常堆在食品行業無疑是不公平的。 To take an easy example, there is no doubt that the sector is only one part of the equation when it comes to both the causes and solutions of the current obesity epidemic, although food firms have increasingly found themselves to blame. The sector is also one of the most highly regulated in the world, and at the end of the day, people in the western world do have a degree of choice over what they eat. There are also plenty of ethical food companies out there - but then again, there are some that are not. How then does the food industry, currently struggling under shrinking margins, increasingly tight regulations and growing health concerns, respond to growing criticism over its conduct? It needs to treat consumers with respect. Too many sectors of the industry respond to, say, scientific evidence of something being bad, by publishing their own spurious research refuting these findings. This is fine when there is poor science at work, but when the evidence is practically irrefutable, whose interests does this serve? Certainly not the food industry's. Putting your head in the sand and ignoring the truth means there is a book out there to be written by a budding Schlosser. And people will not like it when they find out that they have been deliberately confused. In the US, groups representing the beef, dairy and fast-food businesses are deploying a PR army to counter the launch of the Fast Food Nation movie. McDonald's is reportedly sending out 'truth squads' to set the record straight. This tactic will only work if the food industry levels with consumers. The food industry is not an amoral monster, but nor is it entirely blameless when it comes to issues ranging from obesity to environmental damage. These points must be addressed if consumer trust is to be rebuilt. The US food industry states on its Best Food Nation website that it welcomes open debate. It should do. The food industry can be, and is, a source of good. But only by acknowledging the bad will this ever be accepted by consumers who have developed an insatiable appetite for scare stories and scandal. Anthony Fletcher is the editor of FoodNavigator.com and is a specialist writer on food industry issues. With an international focus, he has lived and worked in the UK, France and Japan. If you would like to comment on this article please e-mail anthony.fletcher@novisgroup.com.


