



未能創造一個更加公平的全球貿易環境將最容易在發展中國家,已再次被拒絕公平進入利潤豐厚的市場。但不能達成妥協,隨後暫停上周多哈回合的談判,也會影響企業離家更近的地方。多哈發展議程,2001年11月,在卡塔爾首都多哈,旨在全球貿易自由通過削減工業和農業關稅和減少農業補貼,特別注重為發展中國家實現實際的利益。CIAA,歐洲食品和飲料行業的聲音在布魯塞爾,以來不斷支持多哈發展議程的開始,五年前。一直認為這個多邊進程是最好的手段通過進一步協調農業政策提供一個公平競爭的環境和增強的貿易機會。事實上大多數歐洲食品行業早已認識到,內部改革的必要性例如在製糖業,歐盟已大幅削減補貼,接受短期疼痛長期獲得即更好的進入新興市場。換句話說,歐洲食品協會承認需要改變作為達成互惠協議的基礎在世貿組織的水平。這些讓步是必要的,如果建立一個開放的世界市場。但不妥協和利益,尤其是來自美國,已將支付。上周談判暫停後某些WTO成員拒絕讓步對某些問題,如降低關稅。 Many food sectors now feel betrayed they have accepted concessions but have got nothing back. No deal means that both the US and the EU will be able to continue subsidising their agricultural production, thereby artificially enhancing their competitiveness. But it also means that both these blocs will lose new access to the markets of emerging economies such as China and Brazil. An opportunity to achieve a fairer basis for global trade has been missed, and this failure benefits no one. Such inequality in global agricultural trade is both morally wrong and economically unsound. Developing countries represent 81 per cent of the global population but just 30 per cent of global trade. The entire continent of Africa captures just 2.6 per cent of global trade. This underlines not only how unequal current trading practices are, but also the untapped potential that exists. Food companies recognise these global opportunities. They also realise that pulling up the drawbridge ensures not only that the developing world is unable to penetrate your markets it also means that your own avenues of expansion are severely limited. Equitable global trade is a moral issue. It is also an economic issue. For such a no-brainer, a number of WTO members have shown a remarkable lack of brains. Anthony Fletcher is the editor of FoodNavigator.com and is a specialist writer on food industry issues. With an international focus, he has lived and worked in the UK, France and Japan. If you would like to comment on this article please e-mail anthony.fletcher@decisionnews.com.


