




沙門氏菌是食品行業的問題最多食物中毒病原體。雞蛋、禽肉和豬肉是人類沙門氏菌感染的主要來源。傳統微生物技術需要一周,導致昂貴的延遲加工廠或昂貴的回憶如果易腐食品運送之前結果確認發現被汙染。在西班牙巴斯克地區,大學的研究人員聲稱新係統可以檢測並在24小時內返回結果的沙門氏菌汙染。幾株沙門氏菌已經被科學家們完全測序的基因構成一些細菌可以專門測試他們的存在。某些基因是獨一無二的沙門氏菌或沒有發現任何其他的生活物質。減少係統正在尋找減少了時間,結果可以證實,科學家們說,揭示他們的工作的細節。然而,傳統的測試的缺點的脫氧核糖核酸(DNA)是穩定的,因此現在即使有害細菌被摧毀使用巴氏滅菌法或衝銷。大學的研究人員聲稱,他們已經發現了另一個更具體的標誌檢測細菌的活性。新係統查找信使核糖核酸(RNA),這是一個不穩定、易降解的分子,隻有當細菌活躍。 With this knowledge, the researchers have designed a procedure to extract this RNA from food samples. Once an RNA sample is taken, it is transformed into DNA by means of inverse transcription. This process results in the DNA copy being created, which is then detected by probes previously developed by the University. The probes are DNA chains that are complementary to Salmonella genes marked with a fluorescent compound. According to the researchers, if the DNA copy and the complementary DNA unite, the fluorescent compound emits a signal detectable in real time. The device also enable quality controllers the number of Salmonella cells present in the food sample. According to a European Commission study published in 2005 there were 192,703 reported cases of salmonellosis, the human illness caused by salmonella, during 2004 in the EU's then 25 member states.
