許多發起的研究是一個在世界範圍內幫助處理器和其他食品中丙烯酰胺的水平最終低。創建化學致癌物質,澱粉類食物烤,烤、炸或烤。它第一次登上報紙頭條是在2002年,瑞典食品管理局的科學家們首次報道出人意料地高水平的丙烯酰胺在富含碳水化合物的食物。先前的研究化學實驗老鼠中與癌症有關。因為瑞典發現全球努力已經進行對這種化學物質積累數據。200多個世界各地的研究項目已經啟動,由國家政府,他們的研究結果協調,歐盟和聯合國。減少丙烯酰胺在食品行業廣泛隻能幫助提高公眾對食品安全的看法,它遭遇了近年來。歐盟的食品和飲料行業聯合會還與歐盟委員會和監管機構合作,找到減少丙烯酰胺的方法。在他們的論文,發表在最新一期的《食物保護,帶有濃厚學術氣息,其中引述研究人員E.K. M.G. Kontominas說他們想研究的影響處理和存儲條件的生成丙烯酰胺。他們使用預煮麵包雞肉產品。 The generation of acrylamide was determined during frying and during cold storage of the breaded chicken products. They also evaluated the role of the batter crust in acrylamide formation. The effect of storage under a modified atmosphere on the fate of acrylamide was investigated during a 23-day storage period under refrigeration. Acrylamide was analyzed by using normal phase high-performance liquid chromatography according to a previously developed methodology. The methodology allows for dual identity verification as acrylamide and acrylic acid. The two analysed 28 commercial precooked samples. Initial acrylamide concentrations ranged between 0.91 mg per kg and 0.97 mg per kg. They attributed the levels to the combined effect of batter and meat. In all cases, acrylamide concentrations increased during storage, attaining a maximum ranging between 1.36 to 1.80 mg per kg between day 15 and day 19. The maximum value was observed in samples packaged under air, and the minimum value was observed under a modified atmosphere mixture of 60 per cent carbon dioxide and 40 per cent nitrogen. In this group, the maximum acrylamide concentration was reached after 19 days of storage. "These data indicate that there is a high concentration of acrylamide in precooked, battered protein foods and that the concentration changes considerably during storage, which may lead to almost twice the initial amounts when air is present within the package," the researchers stated. Little is known about acrylamide. However, it is thought to induce cancer in animals, damage nerves and impair male fertility. In April 2002, Swedish scientists produced results demonstrating disturbingly high levels of acrylamide in certain cooked foods, sparking off concerns among regulators and consumers. The European Commission responded to the findings by generating a database on all research activities. The World Health Organisation has additionally developed an international network of researchers. Diet is thought to contribute to about 30 per cent of some cancers and the increasing dependence on processed food means that research is essential. Acrylamide appears in a wide range of cooked foods - prepared industrially, in catering, or at home. The foods include bread, fried potatoes and coffee as well as specialty products like potato crisps, biscuits, crisp bread, and a range of other heat-processed products. Such products contain acrylamide at levels between a few parts per billion (ppb) to over 1000 ppb.