




全球葡萄酒包裝bag-in-box容器一直是增長最快的細分市場,迎合消費者需要它提供了便利和更長的保質期。然而法國緩慢收縮與其他國家相比,消費者更喜歡他們的酒在瓶子更認可。Bag-in-box還必須與個人塑料罐。法國總是可以選擇購買葡萄酒en vrac。他們出現在一個商人或城堡和一個塑料罐由自來水從一個大增值稅。生產商也回避了低端市場的形象bag-in-box包裝,也被稱為桶。但是現在法國人發現葡萄酒包裝的方便的格式和生產商放鬆自己的原則,試圖利用唯一在一個普遍不景氣的市場增長。弗朗索瓦絲Brugiere Viniflhor,法國國家葡萄酒產業委員會,說該組織2006年的一項調查發現,12.5%的消費者說他們買了酒bag-in-box包裝,兩個百分點增長超過2005。調查還發現,68%的人說他們將葡萄酒包裝的邀請客人。另一個30%的人說他們不會。與此同時共有74%的人說bag-in-box格式很好保存葡萄酒。大約39%的每日飲用者說的格式是有用的在幫助他們控製自己的葡萄酒消費量。由於包裝段的增加驗收增長率開始匹配其他國家Frederique Vimont說,天年生物的營銷顧問。 Bag-in-box packaging now has a 9 per cent share by value of France's wine market, about the same as the UK. The figures do not include use by restaurants and other food service sector businesses. Meanwhile the market penetration rate is up to 42 per cent in Norway, 33 per cent in Sweden, 25 per cent in Finland, and 12 per cent in Denmark, according to various statistics compiled by IRI France, ACNielsen Infoscan and TNS WorldPanel. In Australia, which was one of the first countries to use the packaging for wine, the market penetration is about 50 per cent. In the US the market penetration is six per cent. Vitop is an Italy-based subsidiary of the Jefferson Smurfit Group devoted to making taps, connectors and handles for the bag-in-box segment. Meanwhile, Alan Dufrêne, an independent consultant to the industry, noted that bag-in-box wine is the only growth segment in the country's generally stagnant wine market. The French are beginning to appreciate the cheaper price to volume value associated with the packaging segment, he said. The fact that this type of packaging helps extends the shelf life of even the most expensive wines, has helped boost the growth. Unlike bottles, which once opened allow air to contact the wine, the bag-in-box bag contracts due to gravity as the volume of wine decreases. Because the bag-in-box prevents the liquid inside from having any contact with the air on the outside, the quality of the taste of the product is retained and oxidation is prevented. For consumers the container is also convenient as they do not require a corkscrew to open and can be easily transported. For producers the packaging offers cost savings as more wine can be loaded for transport compared to bottles. The packaging type can hold volumes from two to 20 litres. The interior is composed of a flexible bag made up of multilayer oxygen barrier films. A gland, which is also called a 'spout' or 'flange', is welded to the film. The gland connects to a top through which the wine is poured. The whole is enclosed in a cardboard box. Dufrêne noted that many of France's small wine producers are relying on companies who provide travelling packaging lines at their operations rather than investing in one themselves. This trend piggybacks on the tradition of contracting travelling packaging companies to fill their wines on site, often from a rollout line in a truck. This service allows winemakers to put the coveted description that it was bottled at the place of orgin. Only big producers can afford the €1m investment it takes to buy a full bag-in-box packaging line, one that can fill several million bags, he said. Keeping quality high and standarding the packaging type and the filling proceedures is important to the continued growth of the segment, he said. There are is growing body of international standards being forged by associations around the world, he said. Dufrêne and two other experts are the authors of one of the industry's first guides to filling standards for the packaging segment. The "Guide to Good Practices", in both English and French, was published this January by Performance BIB, an industry association formed to set standards for the sector. It is aimed at helping small and large producers raise the quality of the final product, he said. Such standards are helping to change the attitudes of consumers who previously associated bag-in-box packaging with cheap wines. That perception is also changing as more upscale wine producers have accepted the concept for their more expensive wines, said Dufrêne. The trend mirrors the general consumer shift worldwide away from the cheaper plonk towards more premium, high-quality wines.“不要把低品質葡萄酒bag-in-box包裝,”Dufrene告訴葡萄酒生產商在為期一天的研討會。“這隻會減少它的吸引力。”共有57公司和組織成員績效圍嘴,其中許多供應商酒和飲料行業。Bag-in-box包裝,也被稱為桶,最初是由威廉Scholle 50年前發明的一次性包電池酸。一旦美國軍方開始使用它在1970年代和Scholle公司開始擴大其使用在飲料行業。一旦燒烤瘋狂Austrialians發現簡單的飲酒的樂趣bag-in-box酒,段起飛。此後bag-in-box徹底改變了葡萄酒產業日益取代傳統的瓶子和軟木塞。根據肖勒corp .)軟飲料行業現在使用它作為噴泉糖漿的交付係統。在乳製品行業的標準集裝箱散裝牛奶分配器。食品行業中被用作包裝西紅柿,香蕉,菠蘿,和其他加工水果和蔬菜。這些都是無菌包裝桶或袋。Scholle仍然是全球最大的包裝供應商,製造塑料袋在15個工廠位於亞洲,澳大利亞,歐洲,北美洲和南美洲。在蒙彼利埃,2月1日舉行的研討會,出席了大約150個行業代表。 It was hosted by the Association des Oenologues de Montpellier.
