



這就是為什麼食品公司有很多學習英國家禽處理器Bernard Matthews,遭受巨大損失的信心在其處理禽流感疫情在薩福克郡的工廠。伯納德馬修斯做出了很多錯誤的舉措應對危機。在主,公司的主要錯誤一直相信,給公眾一個滴的新聞,他們渡過難關。當調查的鬥牛犬,監管機構和新聞媒體揭露事實,公司的行為是放在一個更明顯的光比原始的的危機。自從危機開始本月早些時候,伯納德馬修斯被批評為緩慢在通知監管機構,其火雞在大量死亡。直到公眾和監管壓力來承擔,該公司還起初拒絕保持其儲存肉的市場,直到所有的事實被確定。然後媒體發現公司正在大量的禽肉英國和匈牙利之間的痛苦——這是它自己的禽流感疫情。又該公司被迫做出反應,而不是主動地減少公眾的懷疑。現在監管機構有接觸不良的衛生習慣在公司的生產工廠,可能導致的交叉汙染和傳播H5N1病毒土耳其之間提高了。和在星期五公司否認媒體聲稱其產品的銷售額下降了40%。 Only hours after the denial was published by FoodProductionDaily.com, the company issued a statement that in fact the figure was true for some of its products. Perhaps of longer lasting consequence is the exposure of the company's factory farm system – making consumers suspicious of the company's claim that it“自稱創造健康、高質量的火雞,維持最高標準的農業和鳥福利”。伯納德馬修斯是學習困難的方式,公司已經失去了爭奪公共信托一旦消費者相信他們的最佳利益的核心不是對危機的反應。適當的危機管理對於食品安全問題尤為重要。劣質產品的食品公司,可以直接導致疾病甚至死亡的主要爆發,沒有理由沒有一個計劃。在這裏,危機管理的重點是溝通公司的反應事件嚴重威脅著一個公司的聲譽,如禽流感爆發或召回。它與“災難計劃”的更普遍的術語,通常描述了業務連續性計劃當自然或災難性事件發生,如地震、颶風、甚至一次恐怖襲擊。當然,公司的聲譽危機的實際響應必須在正確的方向上之前首先給公眾。根據危機管理專家喬納森•伯恩斯坦在美國,有“11誡”管理通信有關的問題威脅著商業信譽。在主這些與識別領域,可能導致企業失去聲譽——比如召回,食品安全問題,或不良行為的指責。然後業務必須想出一個計劃如何處理這樣的問題。伯恩斯坦在他的公司危機管理中心主題與溝通。 A company must have clear lines of communication internally, even down to ensuring the janitor knows who to phone when he spots a problem. Crisis management means setting up lines of communication between your lawyers and your communications team. Above all, the communications unit must know how to deal with the media, anticipating their needs and providing in time the information the company wants to release. The fact is, a lot of "communications" spokespersons do not know how to deal with the media, probably because they have never worked in the industry themselves. Other strategies involve developing holding statements until the crisis situation can be assessed, then identifying the key messages the company wants to send to the affected stakeholders – including customers. Riding out the storm does not include denying there is a problem, as Bernard Matthews has consistently done on its site. As Bernstein says, organisations that do not understand the importance of adequate communications in crisis situations will time and time again find themselves in trouble. Operational response will break down and stakeholders will quickly be confused, angry, and negatively reactive. Finally the organization will be perceived as inept, at best, and criminally negligent, at worst, he says. Cadbury learnt a similar lesson last year in keeping from the public the information that there had been a contamination problem at one of its factories. That lesson cost the company an estimated £30m (€45m) and probably more in trust. As Bernard Matthews is now learning, coming clean in the first place when the problem occurred would have been infinitely more preferable than seeming to be involved in hiding the dirt.艾哈邁德ElAmin是20年的商業記者的站,專門發展問題、食品、酒、技術、國際業務和離岸金融,在加入決定新聞媒體的編輯FoodProductionDaily.com。對本文發表評論請電子郵件ahmed.elamin@decisionnews.com。親愛的編輯讀者評論,在這個距離最初的危機,似乎生產者確實有一些隱藏。盡管他們可能沒有完全意識到危機展開所有的來龍去脈。在危機中,你很少。顯然他們應該告訴真相:或產生一個控股聲明表明徹底的調查將進行,直到真相可能會宣布。然而,一個問題出現了:他們甚至有通信係統,這樣的“真理”——即地位因素陰謀反對他們在危機期間——實際上是明顯的高管,或發言人。{和我寫這篇文章已經參與危機溝通/培訓和食品問題管理(GM)和聯合利華在我的過去。},或可能的回報時間他們繪製了這麼久;到達一個目的地明確外部觀察人士但未知的自己?確定我們想要我們的食物堆和廉價,但生產商投資必要的保險企業道德和完整性。明顯不舒服的地方的品牌忠誠度和企業信任:但是,你會相信一個雞肉塊或土耳其撚線機?保羅·哈特- PH-Pr通信- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -親愛的編輯我西夫韋公司事務主管食品商店從1990 - 96。 In this role I had charge of crisis management dealing with the media so I agree with your comments. I would also add that you need to get control of the crisis within the first two hours. I also comment on retail and food issues for BBC Business Programmes as an independent retail consultant and I know how frustrated the BBC were with the lack of spokespeople from the company. There may well be a reason since the fantastic MD David Joll has now retired and I think he would have handled this differently.特蕾莎修女韋翰兩個通信- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -親愛的編輯,我是一個Amero-European目前居住在南非。危機溝通是一個專業的mine-especially麵對猖獗的禽流感,遺憾的是從太多的公司也收到了冷遇。與尊重,我隻是希望你說一件事,並盡可能清楚一切說:總是告訴真相。客戶討厭旋轉。他們討厭它。他們應該。這是一個卑鄙的侮辱惹的你問的人信任你,向你方購買。幾年前,當我在全球通訊主任偉達公關(世界上最大的公關/通信形式),一個主要的石油公司有一個不幸的漏油事件到美國的一條河。首席執行官接受悲慘的建議,就和憤世嫉俗的高管。幸運的是,他的直覺說了不同的消息,他聽從它。 He called us. I advised him to take off his coat and tie, and to walk out in front of CNN and all the other cameras. Look them right in the eye, I told him.“女士們,先生們,我們已經搞砸了地。我們還不完全知道,但是沒有人在技術人員直到我們知道今晚離開這家公司。現在,我們可能不知道是什麼導致了這個令人遺憾的泄漏,但簡單的事實是,它發生在我們的觀察,我們要讓它正確的。”半小時後記者團的成員是在河的CEO,幫助他在某些略讀,試圖挽救魚類和野生動物。公司損失了零銷售,且隻有一個消極的故事出現在媒體大量的讚美為他們開放的完整性。說實話,該死。而且從不擔心後果。我不確定我同意11規則在危機溝通。隻是這一個挽救了許多公司尊重和練習。布魯斯·艾倫·約翰遜教授Bruce Alan Johnson Associates(企業)有限公司南非
