



本月早些時候,糖果巨頭Masterfoods,計劃巧克力品牌的所有者火星和星係,發誓要停止所有營銷針對12歲以下兒童。和吉百利推出一個新的、成熟的運動為其核心品牌片,電影講述了一個豪華的新電視廣告,肯定針對成年人。都很值得稱讚的,貢獻自己的力量來阻止肥胖兒童和服用一小塊負責健康流行。畢竟,乍一看,它看起來像減少兜售兒童高糖產品隻能是一件好事,但有點冗餘小消費者的天生的偏愛甜的東西。但削減廣告隻是故事的一半。巧克力的孩子都有一個模糊的概念,是對你有害,但他們也知道岩石硬確信它味道很好,而廣告針對跺著腳離開了他們將阻止孩子熟悉新品牌,它不會阻止他們購買他們已經知道的東西,愛。可恥的,因為它可能看起來,這個行業將受益而不是限製孩子們的廣告通過擴大其範圍。而不是通常的表現,如何指導孩子這些細分市場的健康或道德市場嶄露頭角的但通常保留給一個更成熟的觀眾?在這個世界上,糖是妖魔化和數字國際肥胖特別工作組(IOTF)預測近2.87億兒童可能被2010人超重或肥胖,糖果市場的開辟新的方麵孩子似乎有悖常理的和危險的。但是巧克力不需要敵人的物質。 Studies have shown that cocoa contains flavenols which act as powerful antioxidants and, provided it has a high cacao content, the chocolate bar a child is munching on will not necessarily set them on the path to bad dietary choices and inevitable obesity. Dark chocolate may not seem like a winner since young tastebuds are generally more amenable to sweet varieties such as white or milk chocolate, but it is about opening up young palates to experimentation. Innovation in the sector which is proving so popular with adults has led to some interesting flavour development that could appeal to even the most sweet-addicted kids. And it is not just about teaching kids to make good nutritional choices. Sectors like Fairtrade can open up the ethically-sourced chocolate market to youngsters who are never too young to learn where their food comes from. Of course, since their emergence as a profitable market, Fairtrade and dark chocolate have generally occupied the premium end of the industry and enjoyed a reputation as luxury items. But with popularity for these products growing, perhaps it's time they became more mainstream and available to younger consumers. In the future kids will be eating chocolate. The challenge now is to ensure they will be eating the right sort.凱瑟琳Boal是Confectionerynews.com和Bakeryandsnacks.com的編輯。她生活和工作在英國,愛爾蘭,法國和南非。如果你想要評論這篇文章請電子郵件凱瑟琳。boal在decisionnews.com


