




與廉價勞動力的湧入新進入歐盟,也情有可原,食品行業的勞動力供應充足,快樂和自由。在英國新的立法和權威監督勞動提供者,哦,和小廢除奴隸製二百年前,將解決問題的非法勞工實踐和肆無忌憚的臨時工的提供者。前的問題是,英國立法實施關於勞動力提供者,行業無證和肆無忌憚的主導運營商。許多一個新的合法勞動池,來找到工作,而不是發現自己吞下波的一些雇主提供的非法和強迫勞動,因為他們在英國被稱為。勞動力提供者使用一切必要手段來降低價格,他們需要收取盈利可能會比那些更成功操作符合法律規定,導致更多的成本,需要覆蓋。合法移民的權利的工作在英國發現自己在錯誤的一邊的法律,沒有保護免受剝削他們可以期待。所以不僅是非法販賣人被剝削,而且那些合法的法律權利留下來工作。今天,與英國的新法律和權威調節勞動力,和不可避免的宣傳問題是接受,任何繼續使用非法勞工或提供者使食品公司同謀和有罪的。23剝削中國小舟工2004人死亡的英國揭示世界的普遍的人類悲劇。人不僅被非法販賣進入該國,但也駭人聽聞的條件下被迫工作包括暴力的威脅,拒絕付款,在某些極端情況下是“保稅”勞動。 A definition of slavery incorporating force, control, and other abuses was not only describing the past or even countries where human rights violations are commonplace, but the modern day Britain. A plea of ignorance used to be an excuse, not a defence however, as none was previously required. But since the UK Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) was created, with supporting legislation, it's now a criminal offence to run an unlicensed labour provider or use such labour. From 1 December 2006, it has been illegal to use labour supplied by unlicensed labour providers, known as gangmasters. The penalties for those convicted can be up to six months in prison, a £5,000 (€7,400) fine, or both. This, one would expect, would spell the end for such practices, but not so. While the GLA has issued 953 licenses and said that the most suppliers and users were honest operations working under difficult market conditions, a significant number of unlicensed operations continue. The Food and Drink Federation, an industry organisation, continues to deny that a problem exists among its members. The truth is that any company or individual that uses unlicensed labour simply doesn't care enough to check a website or make a phonecall. Would they be that reckless in before making any other business decision? One doubts not. If they don't know whether they are using unlicenced labour, they should.喬治•雷諾茲是FoodProductionDaily.com和FoodProductionDaily-USA.com的記者。他有一個法律學位,並持有英國會計和新聞的資格。如果你想要評論這篇文章請聯係喬治。雷諾茲在decisionnews.com

