




投資應該緩解壓力打包商正麵臨減少垃圾送到垃圾填埋場和國外的回收。工廠將建使用£12 m(€17.6)資助通過聯合私人和公共部門資助協議。倫敦,由閉環(CLL),將改變的回收聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)在英國,把數以百萬計的水,飲料和化妝品瓶回每年新食品包裝。CLL駐倫敦董事總經理克裏斯•陶氏說植物的發展是實現三年願景關閉循環塑料回收在英國。“我們很高興能夠帶來商業上可行的食品包裝製造商和對環境負責的選項指定包裝時,”他說。“英國將有一個世界級的設施處理塑料垃圾和不需要出口這種材料再加工成低品位應用。”The company expects about 35,000 tonnes of packaging will be recycled each year when the plant opens in December in 2007. The plant will use technology developed by South Carolina-based United Resource Recovery Corporation to sort, granulate and super clean the recycled plastic bottles to produce a packaging approved for food contact in the US and Europe. CLL announced that Marks & Spencer is the first major retailer to commit to sending plastic waste from its London stores to the Closed Loop London plant for recycling. It said that M&S will also encourage its suppliers to source recycled PET from the plant to make M&S packaging. The project has received funding from Foresight Venture Partners and a banking facility from Allied Irish Bank (GB), and is also supported by public sector funding from the London Development Agency (LDA) and the Waste & Resources Acton Programme (WRAP). London's mayor, Ken Livingstone, said the announcement was a big leap forward for recycling and boosted the fight against climate change. "We need real investment in recycling facilities rather than dumping our rubbish in landfill sites or sending it to incinerators to be burnt," he said. Jennie Price, WRAP's chief executive, said the project met the duel aims of reduce waste and meet increasing demand for recycled PET by UK businesses. Visy Closed Loop manufactures environmental packaging and recycling solutions. It has offices in Australia and the UK.
