




他昨天被他增加提供團體後,主要歐洲Ferd控股和CVC Capital Partners公司結束他們的聯合競購。哈特希望合並其他控股投資公司,排名小組,和團體一起,讓它之後的世界第二大飲料包裝的生產商瑞典利樂拉伐爾。處理器團體將供應商的一部分,給予公司更多的製衡定價為其包裝。從積極的一麵來看,此舉也可能提供更健康的競爭在市場上對利樂的主導地位。利樂拉伐爾子公司利樂紙盒包裝市場的80%的份額,據彭博社報道。集團旗下的瑞典Rausing家庭。團體是全球第二大飲料紙盒製造商15%的市場份額。哈特等級集團昨日表示,它現在擁有22%的團體和增加其報價CHF435每股現金。他最新的提供公司市值達到約25億€。團體將宣布其位置排名集團的最新報價3月22日,該公司表示。 Hart's takeover bid for SIG was strengthened after Ferd and CVC said they would not raise their offer and announced they would sell all their remaining shares in SIG. The companies had been jointly bidding for SIG since September, countering previous offers for the company made by Hart. The two companies said they will divest their current 2.38 per cent remaining stake in SIG. Shares amounting to 8.24 per cent of SIG's total share capital have already been sold, the two companies said. Ferd is the parent of Norway-based Elopak. London-based CVC Capital Partners is an investment holding company. Elopak has about 7.5 per cent of the market, with International Paper ranking fourth, according to Bloomberg news. SIG put itself up for sale through a public auction last year offering competitors a chance to put together a beverage carton packaging company to rival the dominance of Tetra Laval. SIG had sales of €1.2bn last year from products such as cartons for long life drinks and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. The SIG purchase would add to Rank's considerable holdings in the global packaging industry, a portfolio that Hart's investment company has been building for the past year. Earlier this year Hart bought Carter Holt Harvey, the New Zealand forestry and packaging group for NZ$3.3bn (€1.7bn). Hart has since sold the company's forestry unit to US-based Hancock Group for about NZ$1.5bn (€792m). Earlier this CHH's packaging operations. In December he also agreed to purchase International Paper's drinks packaging business for NZ$725m (€382.8m). Ferd and CVC's decision to drop out of the bidding war for SIG may have been influenced by the European Commission's decision on 22 December to open an investigation into whether their combination with the company would diminish competition in the market. Both Elopak and SIG are suppliers of carton filling machines and carton material for non-carbonated liquid food products packaging. Under EU rules the Commission had 90 working days, until 15 May, to take a final decision on whether the concentration would significantly impede competition. The carton packaging market in the EU is characterised by a rather exceptional concentrated market structure with Tetra Pak dominating the market, while SIG and Elopak compete fir the rest of the business, the Commission noted. Therefore the proposed transaction would combine the second and the third largest suppliers, while Tetra Pak would remain the largest competitor. The Commission also said that the structure after such a merger would mirror that of the upstream market for liquid packaging board, the main raw material used to produce carton packaging material, which has existed since the acquisition of AD Cartonboard by Korsnäs in May last year.“相關產品和地理市場調查在許多先前的合並和反壟斷決策涉及市場領導者利樂包,“歐盟委員會表示。”雙方的活動重疊在強酸性液體無菌產品市場(果汁)Elopak是新麵孔。在詳細調查,該委員會將審查Elopak的清除競爭對手將如何影響這些市場的競爭動態。”兩家公司昨日在聲明中繼續爭辯說,他們的報價會使部隊的最佳組合:“Ferd / CVC繼續相信團體結合Elopak會提供團體及其利益相關者最好的工業前景,”兩家公司說。“然而,Ferd / CVC不願意支付一個價格,對團體可以妥協的業務邏輯事務....新主人的團體變得明顯,Ferd / CVC希望所有員工團體好運。”

