




的方式來存儲產品尋求結合凍結的延長保質期,同時保留的提供的新鮮味道。魚的傳統存儲需要碎冰,這增加了重量在運輸。此外,冰川融化會導致風險增加汙染的蔓延。科學家在科學和工業研究基金會在挪威理工學院(Sintef)能源研究聲稱過冷魚或肉1 c至3 c(30到27個f)幫助產品保持新鮮的時間更長。過冷馬哈魚片延長5天的新鮮,對傳統的製冷,同時添加了26天保質期的豬排,據Sintef測試。安妮Karin Torstveit Hemmingsen, Sintef superchill研究員領袖說,技術部分凍結,但是低冰內容確保食物品嚐新鮮。“過冷也使得它不太可能,產品將分解的生產和包裝過程中,“她說。如果緩慢冷凍魚,大冰晶形成,破壞肌肉結構。快速和控製過冷略低於freezingpoint隻會凍結的鬆散結合水的魚,聲稱Sintef。冰晶形成的數量將取決於產品的類型和條件,但低於臨界水平。Sintef冷空氣隧道superchill食品科學家們測試。根據產品的體積和其他因素,食物可以在幾分鍾內superchilled小時。研究正在進行過冷的最佳方法不同的產品在不同的環境中。第一個商業挪威過冷裝置,通過Nortura,即將開放,而科學家正在開發冷隧道安裝在漁船上。今年,冰鹽水作為替代品的使用是被科學家們研究。他們正在測試是否使用過冷鹽水將形成冰晶,提供另一種方法來存儲尤其是魚。 Sintef claims an important discovery is that food stays fresher for longer if the post-superchilled temperature is kept constant, and therefore the ice structure remains unchanged for longer. The research on chilling technology, which has been conducted over several years has been funded by Research Council of Norway and Norwegian industry. Over the next five years Sintef, with other scientists and industry, will be running a NOK 30m (€3.7m) program to further research superchilling as part of a larger food processing project. The project aims to open more export markets for Norwegian food. Many of Norway's European markets are distant and require long transport times. Reducing the weight and cost of ice, as well as allowing more fish to be transported will make exports more competitive against those sourced closer to the market. The final goal of the project is to develop knowledge and expertise to double the shelf life of fresh food using current cold chain methods, Sintef said. Sintef is an independent research organisation that supports the development of about 2000 Norwegian and overseas companies. It main operations are in Norway, with further offices across Europe and the US.
