




昨日公布的非營利組織凱塞家庭基金會(凱),新報告旨在幫助越來越多的辯論政府,行業,媒體和健康組兒童肥胖和食品廣告之間的聯係。這項研究中,深思熟慮的食物:電視對兒童食品廣告在美國,結合內容分析與詳細的數據關於兒童電視廣告的觀看習慣,提供一個估計的數量和類型的電視廣告被不同年齡的孩子。每個年齡段的研究,食物是產品廣告,一半的廣告顯示在兒童節目被作為食物。大約32%的所有的廣告被2 - 7歲是食物,而25%的廣告被8 - 12歲和22%的廣告被13歲至17歲之間是食物。研究發現,吐溫類8 - 12歲在電視上看到的大多數食品廣告,平均每天21廣告。青少年看到廣告稍少,17歲時,一天,一天2 - 7日看到12歲的兒童食品廣告。這項研究是基於對1638小時的電視內容的分析和8854年食品廣告上電視網絡,還證實普遍擔心孩子們最大力宣傳食品糖果和零食。這些總共占34%所有食品廣告針對孩子,而28%是穀物和10%是快餐。此外,4%的廣告被孩子們對乳製品和果汁為百分之一。8854年的廣告審查在這項研究中,有這些水果或蔬菜針對兒童和青少年。新報告之際,兒童食品廣告的問題正吸引著越來越多的審查。 Policymakers in Congress, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and agencies such as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have called for changes in the advertising landscape, and US food and media industries are developing their own voluntary initiatives related to advertising food to children. Just last week, a new childhood obesity task force was launched by groups from the government, industry and media, as well as consumer advocacy groups, advertisers and health experts. Some of the nation's major food firms will be taking part in the initiative, including Kraft, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kellogg's and PepsiCo. Health groups involved include the American Diabetes Association, the American Society for Nutrition and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Media or communications networks joining the initiative include Ion Media Networks, Viacom, Discovery Channel, Walt Disney Company and Sesame Workshop. Amongst other participants are also the Ad Council, Association of National Advertisers, and the American Association of Advertising Agencies. The childhood obesity task force meeting was hosted by Senator Brownback, who also attended the forum in Washington DC yesterday where the KFF report was revealed. The report and a webcast of the session can be found在這裏

