現在的情況是,整個行業缺乏熟悉批準標簽,可以讓消費者知道這個產品在他們的手從他人以任何方式在貨架上脫穎而出。這意味著公司會額外英裏——那些大力投資研發或監督所有采購原料——不一定是回報。許多其他消費品行業,如牙科產品——有郵票的批準,可以幫助消費者成分有效增值的產品,等。膳食補充劑行業應該應用一個類似的模式,但隨著添加測試項目的影響力背後的標簽。障礙頻繁引用對這種類型的項目的成本這樣一個倡議,以及群體或團體將承擔責任。盡管自然產品協會,NSF國際和美國藥典提供測試項目在美國,他們要麼沒有足夠寬的範圍,或沒有可識別的標簽對消費者“批準的郵票”。這個故事在歐洲與細節略有不同的2002食品補充劑指令(特別是維生素和礦物質)仍有待敲定。歐盟規定。但即使行業也許有它的眼睛elseswhere,構建消費者消費信心應該優先考慮的事情。因此,通用測試項目需要一個廣告讓消費者熟悉的概念,以便他們知道尋找產品標簽上。一旦消費者開始尋找郵票批準的瓶子,行業將被迫遵循所有必要的步驟來獲得這樣的認證。 This will also buffer the effect of allegations in the industry that target some companies and not others. In January, American ConsumerLab.com allegedly found high lead content in certain supplement brands, including a multivitamin for women sold by The Vitamin Shoppe. Traces of dangerous compounds are a genuine concern for the industry and until one independent body tests decides what constitutes 'dangerous' levels, the charges made by businesses such as ConsumerLab.com will continue to scare consumers without providing any straight forward solution. An independent testing program would also urge companies to become accountable for their ingredients and oversee the entire supply chain before their product goes to market. This could dissuade companies from relying on suppliers that contract from other suppliers in such a way that the end manufacturer has never even set foot in the facility where its product may have originated. Also, any companies that cut their active ingredients with undeclared fillers would also be punished or, at least, would lose out on the bonus of certification. Adulterated versions of relatively expensive ingredients such as hoodia gordonii or saw palmetto would become less easy for companies to proffer. Sold as an appetite-suppressant, cactus-like plant hoodia is sourced from South Africa, while saw palmetto for supporting prostate health is sourced and wild-harvested from Florida. Consumers would finally know that what is on the label is what is really in the bottle. However, none of this will come about until the majority of the industry is motivated enough to invest in its own long term livelihood instead of letting some companies take the easy way out while others invest in science and the consumer is caught somewhere in the middle trying to decide which product is legitimate.她Douaud記者與NutraIngredients-USA.com和有生活和工作在加拿大,愛爾蘭、阿根廷和法國。如果你想評論,發送電子郵件到:clarisse.douaud特'decisionnews.com