該公司150現有和潛在用戶的聚集反應原料在美國在一係列的電話采訪旨在幫助識別領域的改進對公司的產品和服務。根據唐娜·布魯克斯,區域主任丹尼斯克,調查結果“將幫助我們在許多方麵的改進,包括在我們的應用程序中心,在銷售領域和支持功能。”“重要的是要保持跟蹤的客戶在想什麼和使用學習,不斷提高我們的產品和服務,“她說。Litesse葡聚糖是1千卡/克專業碳水化合物,該公司聲稱食品製造商提供了廣泛的生理和功能的好處。例如,它取代糖和脂肪,同時提高風味、質地和口感在各種各樣的應用程序。這也是低的血糖和獨立代謝的胰島素。因此適合消費者尋求控製碳水化合物,包括糖尿病。根據受訪者丹尼斯克最近的調查顯示,那些糖果,麵包店和乳製品行業,最重要的功能成分的好處是低熱量,糖替代品,血糖低,膳食纖維的好處。生命起源以前的意識和飽腹感的好處也提到過。公司的乳糖醇成分是減少卡路裏的甜味劑源自牛奶糖,扮演的角色在食物,如巧克力、冰淇淋和烘焙食品。丹尼斯克說,其溶解度和粘度意味著蔗糖成分相似。參與調查的被問及Lacitol主要是糖果和巧克力生產商,其中大多數報告說他們使用產品超過一個函數。 Some 83 percent of respondents said they use it as a polyol/sweetener; 78 percent said they use it as a sugar replacement; 56 percent as a calorie reducer; and 42 percent for low glycemic applications. When asked about trends affecting the food industry, the safety of the food supply, weight loss and anti-obesity were cited as the most significant. Other important trends identified were the need to create products for an aging population, and for an increased number of people suffering from diabetes. Other more sustained trends that have been important to the industry in the past and that were again cited include convenience and hand-held foods, energy foods, organic products, use of whole grains, and foods that are quick and easy to prepare.