



如果你最近一直關注你會注意到一些英鎊的例子從整個包的營銷技巧可以投機取巧的廣告人。本月嚴重的新聞是吉百利(沒有變化)。糖果製造商追求爭議輪式時一係列的英國電視廣告促進Trident口香糖。廣告中一個活躍的加勒比海的角色包括跳躍在屏幕上和尖叫的咀嚼國家”濃重的加勒比地區的口音。奇怪的是這個敏感的畫像加勒比文化並沒有得到觀眾的青睞。許多觀眾抱怨說這是“進攻和種族主義”,而這些批評廣告標準局後來被扔掉,ASA確實覺得有必要譴責吉百利和指示公司把競選——說它違反了代碼相關的刻板印象。自然創造的憤怒可能成為一種銷售政變對吉百利。這些廣告可能確實讓人們交談,甚至可能工作奇怪的“咀嚼”口號到公共的說法,但他們未能突出任何實際的產品,使觀眾對牙齦本身學習。成功後在世界其他地方,吉百利試圖發射三叉戟首次進入英國市場,肯定公司數百萬投資推廣的一個重要品牌可以輪更合適的廣告或者把錢花在牙齦本身,給它勝過競爭對手,不依賴於測試的邊界ASA寬大處理。但吉百利並不是唯一的犯罪者的營銷空話。 Companies have always regarded advertising as the chance to go to town on finding new ways of luring in consumers. While some go the obvious route of securing celebrity endorsement, others are prepared to try more ambitious efforts. And so to the craze of the food-themed calendar. Breakfast cereals week, chocolate week and even national chip day have all been greedily exploited by companies operating in those very industries. Just a few weeks ago, Danish Bacon attempted to reinvent 2007 as the year of the bacon buttie (never mind that we are only four months in). As part of its themed campaign, the company wheeled out its 'formula' for the best sandwich - leading consumers to believe that meat-loving boffins had spent hours slaving over a laboratory grill pan monitoring things such as 'force required to break bacon' and 'function of condiment' in a quest to maximise consumer enjoyment. Of course the moral of this particular 'scientific' experiment was that the ultimate bacon sandwich was within reach, all one has to do is rush out to the shops and stockpile Danish-brand bacon. It's a canny concept. Consumers are all too keen to lap up any product with the stamp of legitimacy conferred by our modern-day deity: Science. But a willingness to learn about food and nutrition should not be exploited in this manner. If consumers become blasé about food research, a vital cornerstone of the food industry would suffer. Advertisers should be leaving the sanctity of science intact rather than peddling it for their own gain. And not only are companies shirking their duty to advertise responsibly, they continue to patronise consumers. Insincere advertising breeds jaded, cynical buyers. To retain consumer trust, companies should perhaps be looking at using a novel approach that is generally regarded as anathema to marketing: honesty. In an ideal, simplistic world, the product in question would be good enough to make truth the best tactic in selling it. Sadly, this is not that world and advertisers fear that painting a true portrait of their (often unhealthy) wares will deter potential business. In this they overlook the fact that the majority of consumers have enough information at their fingertips already to be able to distinguish between healthy food and the not so healthy variety. The public is being bombarded daily by messages jostling them to make the right dietary decisions. What they would appreciate now is a little straight talking.凱瑟琳Boal是Confectionerynews.com和Bakeryandsnacks.com的編輯。她生活和工作在英國,愛爾蘭,法國和南非。如果你想參考t這篇文章請電子郵件凱瑟琳。boal在decisionnews.com


