



兩個這樣的事件——一個受汙染的寵物和人類的食物,另一批非法轉基因(GM)大米到歐洲,強調從中國采購原料的問題。雖然成分可能似乎廉價處理器,他們最終花費很多的後續取款,消費者對品牌的信心的喪失,增加監管審查和努力,它使一些公司尋找替代來源。汙染成分來自不同的國家,包括中國,已經過去穿過邊界(例如認為伊朗開心果)。然而,越來越關注食品監管機構阻止不安全產品的邊界肯定會抓住更多的公司。突然原料價格正在戰勝了食品安全和質量的擔憂。最好的例子是事件上個月在美國從中國進口的麥麩產品供寵物食品行業使用。成分被發現含有禁用化學物質三聚氰胺,被指責為成百上千的狗和貓的死亡。然後監管機構上周發現寵物用品也被喂一群豬和三百萬的肉雞,導致監管的擔憂進一步傳播的汙染對人類食物鏈。美國食品和藥物管理局隨後給其檢查員有權拘留沒有檢查所有從中國進口的植物蛋白用作動物或人類的食物如果他們懷疑可能包含化學的產品。在導入提醒指導,FDA指出大量的小麥、大米、玉米、大豆和綠豆從中國進口監管的關注。 Any increase in detention rates could mean processors will find their ingredient imports from China are not available when they need them, or worse they will have to pay to store and then send them back. But would any processor currently dare to continue depending on China for a source, with the fear that they could themselves fall prey to further contamination incidents? China has since banned its food exporters from using melamine. As an emerging powerhouse supplier to the world, the country will surely have to ensure its products are not just cheap, but also meet standards set by other countries. Unfortunately for the country, one or more of its exporters also caused a problem in Europe last week. The UK reported that unauthorised genetically modified rice intended for animal feed had entered the market from China via the Netherlands. The alert was sparked off after regulators found that an unapproved GM line had been found in rice protein concentrate imported to Cyprus from China via the Netherlands. Businesses in Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain were also named as receiving consignments of the rice protein concentrate. While such contamination incidents initially dealt with pets and animal feed, they highlight the potential for disaster in the human food supply chain. The recent problems highlight the need for better traceability and food safety controls along a processor's supply chain. The supply chain manager with his eye on the ball probably has such proceedures in place already. But as the recent incidents demonstrate, many still do not.艾哈邁德ElAmin是FoodProductionDaily.com的編輯器。他是一個商業記者專門開發問題,食品、酒、科技、國際業務和離岸金融。對本文發表評論請電子郵件ahmed.elamin@decisionnews.com。


