“superfruit”這個詞指的是任何水果,尤其是抗氧化劑含量高或充滿其他有益的營養物質。類別已經在過去的幾年裏,由於一波又一波的健康和健康的興趣。消費者也樂於嚐試異國情調的產生從遙遠的地方,特別好吃。食品生產商因此增加了某些水果,包括巴西莓漿果來自巴西、酒吧和飲料等產品。除了巴西莓,其他水果,被稱為“超級”包括石榴、黑莓、蔓越莓、山竹果和枸杞。然而根據丹尼斯克,原始的巴西莓果有輕微的金屬味。這可能會妨礙它被添加到某些產品,特別是當整個幹漿果不習慣。但通過捕獲其“甜,愉快的味道,有點讓人想起巧克力”,丹尼斯克表示,它將有助於巴西莓的持久的商業上的成功。更重要的是,巴西莓的協會可以幫助提高一些產品的圖片,以前被認為是不健康的治療,如糖果和冰淇淋,在關注和投資重點是調整產品,使它們看上去不那麼糟糕。在本土南美巴西莓漿果已經使用了幾個世紀來幫助消化,幫助緩解皮膚狀況。 In addition to antioxidants, they are rich in amino acids, essential fatty acids, proteins, iron, fibre, and other vitamins and minerals. Exotic fruits amongst the major continuing trends, reported Flavors and Ingredients Outlook 2007, published at the beginning of this year by Packaged Facts, a division of MarketResearch.com. Other trends identified were health and wellness and, natural and fresh, premium, and ethnic tastes. Danisco announced last week the planned sale of its flavours division to Firmenich for around DKK 3.36 bn (€0.45bn). The deal, which is subject to regulatory approval, will allow the company to focus resources on bioingredients, texturants and sweeteners competencies - while still keeping some interest in flavours through a partnership with the buyer.