




決定結束需要處理器適應包裝大小和產品數量由每個成員國不同的限製。該指令允許免費大小所有事先包裝好的產品,除了葡萄酒和烈性酒,強製性的歐盟大小已經存在。的限製性規則已經被廢止歐盟部長們坐在競爭力委員會。本月早些時候,歐洲議會批準了指令。行業專員Gunter Verheugen表示,通過指令將使歐盟內部貿易公司更容易,並還將允許公司產品適應消費者的偏好。投票支持新包裝指令是一個重要的歐盟委員會(European Commission)的象征的承諾削減規則,企業和消費者降低成本,並增加選擇,他解釋說。“今天的決定表明,我們已經從言語行為,我們正在努力削減不必要的繁文縟節的所有方麵,“他說。該指令將很快正式通過,他補充說。一旦采用了它需要更換27個不同國家的規則和兩個歐盟指令名義量與一個統一的歐盟指令。指令也會反映出他歐洲法院的決定,支持liberalisaton包的大小。消費產品,如洗滌劑、寵物食品、冰淇淋,冷凍食品,低酒精飲料、軟飲料、清潔用品、油漆、洗發水、牙膏銷售數量,目前由國家或歐盟法律。新指令廢除規定日期的年代,和修複的名義量產品可以賣。這樣的規則數量被認為保護消費者和必要如果產品銷售整個歐盟。然而,自那以來,歐盟發達國家消費者保護的法律框架。現在三個不同的指令處理單元定價,不公平的b2c商業實踐,和標簽的要求。讓消費者更好的保護規則比規則,歐盟委員會認為當呈現它的建議。 New products have also been placed on the market that do not fit with traditional product categories. These include mixtures of soft and alcoholic drinks, concentrated washing tablets, sweeteners sold in capsules, and mixtures of yoghurt, fruit and cheese. It also simplifies regulation on nominal quantities by merging two directives and by combining regulation on metrological control of pre-packed products, currently dealt with under two directives, in one single act. The original draft directive, as previously amended by the Council, would allow for a phase-out of national nominal quantities for milk, butter, dried pasta and coffee for a maximum period of three and a half years. The phase out period for sugar would be of a maximum of four and a half years. The phasing-out period would be applied with effect from 18 months after entry into the directive. An impact assessment published last year by the European Commission estimates that by freeing up packaging sizes for the products marked for phase out, supermarkets would require more sizes to be delivered to them. The study found that supermarkets would especially be interested in having sizes that are slightly smaller than the most currently sold sizes as a means of making promotions offering 10 per cent free, such as 82.5cl and 1.1L. The Commission study estimated the changes would cost processors an average of three per cent of turnover, depending on the size of the operation.固定大小的“生產者的利益變成成本如果大小將是免費的,”該委員會指出。“這問題的成本投資更加靈活的生產設施。”此舉的一部分,歐盟委員會的計劃簡化歐盟法規和為企業降低行政成本。
