




PBI-Dansensor在丹麥稱其PermMate測試氧氣傳輸速率(OTR)的包裝在不同的溫度和濕度條件。機器可以用來測試柔性和剛性包的滲透性,和瓶子。它可以測量整個OTR密封包裝和體積,從而減少浪費,由於破壞性測試。箔的滲透率和屏障的品質經常變化時形成一個包完成。因此產品保質期是經常改變,因此預測保質期不會保持,該公司表示。貨架壽命的減少會導致模具形成“截止日期”之前,導致顧客不滿,食品生產商的聲譽損害的風險。PBI-Dansensor PermMate說可以一起使用以其當場測試氣體分析器將軍II。將軍II措施修改大氣中氧含量的包裝。PermMate還可以測試許多包一次,高於1 - 8包競爭產品,該公司聲稱。PermMate和將軍II是通過計算機軟件控製計劃,這使得它容易執行各種測試。 A key feature of PermMate is its ability to determine the volume of the packages to be tested, which is a way of directly determining the OTR of the package. Knowing the volume of the finished packages can be a valuable tool in monitoring the total gas consumption during production and can provide documentation of volume for transportation requirements, the company claimed. PermMate is also supplied with computer interface and software, which makes it possible to make full data logging and statistics as well as to generate measuring reports. The software program is divided into a product, test, measuring, report, statistics, and system menu. PermMate is capable of keeping track of numerous packages by means of an optional bar code scanner and a bar code printer, which are handled from the product software.“這意味著產品開發的質量符合各種標準處理和收集的數據,”PBI-Dansensor表示。
