



英國的影響力土壤協會上周發起了一場關於是否使用的不斷增加空氣運輸有機食品進入中國違背這些產品背後的原則。協會在辯論的一篇論文表明,等應禁止航空運輸造成的破壞被認為是比運輸或交付。作為一個有機認證機構和環保活動家,協會的建議可能是一個典型的將之前實用性原則。刪除供應商空運進口有機產品的能力可能產生破壞性的影響有機行業作為一個整體。有機現在約占整個食品市場的百分之二,主要是由於土壤協會的工作,英國最大的證明者。大約70%的有機食品出售在英國有其標誌。然而,首要原因在調查為什麼更多的有機食品並不是銷售供應。簡單地說,沒有足夠的東西來滿足需求。乍一看,這種情況似乎是有機產業的強勢地位,使它能夠向消費者收取更高的價格。但供應問題也可能產生相反的效果。 Is there a danger that by removing the certification from suppliers that continue to空運的貨物因此限製供應,整個有機市場可能會下降到低於其臨界質量?鑒於產生的少量空運的,也許不是。但實施的禁令一定會降低有機產品提供給英國消費者的範圍。這種情況尤其適用於季節性和易腐產品,如有機菠蘿和木瓜。定期,全年供應要求,但多達95%的水果進口,和大約50%的蔬菜來自國外,每周2006農民的一項調查顯示。減少有機供應商的能力,以滿足短期需求將推動消費者轉向非有機的選擇。保持貨架上裸露的隻會執行這個選擇。航空運輸是最昂貴和最危害環境的方式運送食物。百分之一的食品消費在英國是空運的,負責食品運輸總量的11%的二氧化碳排放,根據土壤協會。因此,應該是一個模式隻有在絕對需要的時候才使用。 Still, is it not better for the organic industry, that air freighting continues to be an importation channel left open to suppliers? Surely it's preferable to have the odd plane delivering organic green beans from Kenya when supplies are low, than to have no organic green beans at all because local and shipped supplies cannot meet demand? The ability to have the flexibility to provide customers a year round supply of organics and a wider range of products that include exotic fruits has a halo effect on the industry. The more products on the shelves in terms of both volume and range, the more likely people are going to accept organic as a practical alternative to non-organic products. The Soil Association's proposal could be a self fulfilling prophecy. If suppliers cannot meet demand for year-round supplies, organic food could be forced aside by other products, such as Fairtrade, and the industry will have to content itself only with supplies that are shipped or produced locally. The organisation is attempting to raise the profile of organics as environmentally friendly foods along the whole supply chain. Yet an air freight ban, with its best intentions, could end up having a damaging effect on the industry as a whole.喬治•雷諾茲是AP-FoodTechnology.com和FoodProductionDaily-USA.com的記者。他有一個法律學位和英國擁有會計和新聞的資格。如果你想要評論這篇文章請聯係喬治。雷諾茲在decisionnews.com


