猴麵包樹的大型綠色或棕色水果Adansonia digitata樹(或“倒”),主要生長在非洲南部。它曆史悠久的傳統使用在非洲,但尚未普遍使用在歐盟在1997年5月之前,也就是說,必須獲得批準下小說食品立法之前,可以用在歐洲市場的產品。輪子被PhytoTrade去年啟動非洲,非洲南部的天然產品貿易協會,代表公司希望出口幹猴麵包樹果實,而應用程序提交給英國食品標準局去年。PhytoTrade非洲計劃使用水果的果肉果汁等一係列食品,穀物棒5到15%。De-pectinised果肉也可以作為其他產品的成分,比如餅幹和糖果。昨日公布的草案的意見,對新型食品谘詢委員會和流程(ACNFP),發表表示滿意,猴麵包樹的證據支持使用幹果肉是可以接受的,受製於特定的規格和參數。雖然大多數小說食品應用包括毒理學分析,這些被排除在猴麵包樹提交。然而委員會說,放心,成分是一個簡單的水果準備,長期以來形成的傳統飲食的一部分在非洲的大片地區。一個特別關注,然而,酵母和黴菌汙染的程度,包含的成分被發現。雖然這樣的水平被認為是符合這些類似的幹產品,該委員會說,黴菌毒素汙染是特別關注的。但非洲PhytoTrade表示,已經進行了額外的分析表明黃曲黴毒素含量符合歐盟限製,提供保障。 Moreover, the organisation said it would carry out routine quality control tests to ensure that aflatoxin levels remain demonstrably low. In addition, PhytoTrade Africa's members accepted that the product would be appropriately labelled, informing consumers of the presence of baobab. Exotic fruits have enjoyed a surge of popularity in Europe - especially those that can claim to be 'superfruits'. Fruits including acai, pomegranate and cranberry are increasingly being used in cereal bars and beverages, where they are associated with a better health profile thanks to growing awareness of the fruits' nutritional profile. The fruit pulp of the baobab is said to have an antioxidant activity about four times that of kiwi or apple pulp. The main nutrients include vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, pectin and citric, malic and succinic acids, while the oil also contains the vitamins A, D and E. The pulp is also reported to be prebiotic and stimulate the intestinal microflora. If successful, the application will further underline the growing popularity of exotic ingredients derived from Africa. The ACNFP is accepting comments on its draft opinion until June 20.