體重和健康的擔憂繼續推動市場低,光去年食品,但對功能食品的興趣保持市場穩定的增長率比2002年2分。增長在美國也是穩定增加副作用的擔憂的反式脂肪,飽和脂肪和鹽的飲食,導致消費者選擇產品沒有這些成分而不是那些貼上“低”或“光”。盡管如此,美國領導的“低、光”市場產品銷售價值380億美元(€280億)。英國消費者人均花了最這些食物,把人均164美元(€122)在這些食物,相比美國支出125美元(€93),澳大利亞(€86)和115美元。整體市場對這些產品在美國、英國、德國、意大利、法國、西班牙和澳大利亞價值總計660億美元去年(€490億)。低脂食物是最廣泛使用在這個類別,銷售收入達297億美元(€222億),2006年在低糖或無糖食品和飲料的市場份額為287億美元(€214億)和低熱量的食物(€198億)總計265億美元。乳製品和飲料占據最高的份額(42 40%)的特定的食品市場。麵包店市場和零食和食物是低得多,但他們表現出更好的增長率。盡管挑戰,傻瓜預測,全球銷售的低和光明食品將繼續增長在未來幾年每年每分在2 - 3之間如果食品生產集中精力使產品更方便,提供消費者廣泛的產品和注重質量而不是價格。在相對成熟的美國市場銷量會相對較慢,更快的增長不成熟市場,如意大利和西班牙,預計每年增長超過5%。 The UK, Germany, France and Australia are likely to see growth somewhere between the two. This predicted growth is likely to be fuelled by rising obesity rates, the further development of functional low and light product lines, and increasing tie-ups and joint ventures with weight management brands to give credibility to weight control lines. Leatherhead cited General Mills' recent tie-up with the Curves weight management brand in the US as a key example of this way of working. Obesity levels in the developed world are already high and increasing at a worrying pace. In the US, 65 per cent of the adult population are classed as overweight and 30 per cent obese. Figures for the UK and Australia are nearly as high, while levels are less severe in continental Europe, but are increasing, said Leatherhead. Some manufacturers of low and light products have already incorporated functional ingredients into their foods and Leatherhead predicted rewards for those that followed suit. The best sectoral growth is predicted for the relatively undeveloped bakery and snacks and prepared foods markets, although the well-established light beverages market shows no signs of slowing down in many countries.