這項調查是由英國食品標準局幫助判斷吃皮時應考慮製定農藥殘留多少人可能會吃他們的食物。然而結果添加到越來越多的證據表明重視健康的消費者轉向健康的零食是不尋常和冒險。2011名成年人聯係的研究,385說,他們使用至少一種類型的果皮。然後他們被問及什麼樣的皮吃。大多數的消費者隻吃一個或兩種類型的水果皮,和最常見的選擇是橙色,緊隨其後的是檸檬,奇異果,柚子汁和芒果,據調查。在天平的另一端,百分之一的被調查者承認從荔枝吃皮,百香果,甚至鱷梨。FSA也將人們質疑組根據他們如何吃水果皮。例如,百分之九的人吃了橙皮,百分之四吃直接從水果。另外百分之五吃果醬和烘焙食品。香蕉皮塔克在大多數消費者定期,因為80%的人吃小吃一次或每周兩次。 People who eat kiwi fruit are not quite so eager, with two-thirds choosing the treat only once or twice a month. The FSA noted that peel popularity depends on location. About 27 per cent of the south of the UK admitted to eating fruit peel, 16 per cent of those living in the north, and 14 per cent of those in the Midlands region. The findings could be significant for manufacturers hoping to profit from the trend for healthy snacks, as health-conscious consumers look for alternatives to chocolate, biscuits and cakes. According to consumer group Mintel, the healthy snack market is poised for significant growth. The niche seeds sector is expected to almost double over the next five years to hit £39m (€58m), while sales of dried fruit have grown 56 per cent in the last five years and are now already worth £176m (€262.4m). Consumers are however no longer content with "traditional" healthy snack choices. The Mintel report found that consumers are increasingly demanding "exciting and more adventurous snacks". Manufacturers who have tried to provide for this consumer desire include Eat Natural, who in April invested £1m (€1.46m) in developing snacks such as luxury cereal bars with pear, pecan, ginger and dark chocolate. In May, food researchers in Italy even developed a new process for formulating vegetable-based treats. The team, from the Institute of the Science of Food Production (ISPA) based in Bari, used typically Mediterranean ingredients such as peppers, onions, tomatoes, egg-plants and olive oil to produce crunchy, bite-size snacks.