這家專注於植物性營養的食品集團,在諾基亞工廠設有小麥、燕麥和黑麥加工廠。目前存在產能過剩的問題,由於Raisio最近隻向少數客戶發貨,它判斷,讓鋼廠繼續運轉的唯一途徑是將糧食原材料價格上漲的影響轉嫁到客戶身上。人事小組的成員已受邀參加有關諾基亞工廠未來的討論,討論將於7月4日開始。該公司非常現實,關閉是擺在桌麵上的一個選項,但預計談判至少會延續到9月。Raisio的一位發言人告訴FoodNavigator.com,關閉餐廳是“最糟糕的可能性”。諾基亞工廠雇傭了70人。她還說,產能過剩的問題正在影響整個糧食行業。諾基亞計劃生產的糧食主要是為芬蘭國內市場的麵包店和其他工業公司生產麵粉。這意味著很難通過在國外尋找新客戶來增加客戶基數。如果諾基亞工廠被關閉,這並不代表從穀物原材料中退出。 The company also has another grain plant of similar size in the eponymous town of Raisio, in the west of the country. Raisio is presently taking a long, hard look at all of its business units in an effort to increase its bottom line. "This work proceeds in stages, and insofar as volumes and prices cannot be raised to a reasonable level of profitability, we must adjust capacity," said CEO Matti Rihko. Just yesterday the group announced that it is to cease production of margarine at its plant in Russia in an effort to curb over-production, and is instead transferring this function to a subcontractor. Earlier this month Raisio completed the sale of its potato business in Russia to Profood Oy in an effort to streamline business operations and improve performance. When this sale was first announced in March Raisio said that while income from its food potato business had a minor, but positive, impact on the company's results, the company's overall target was to clarify the organisation structure and enhance operations. The group's turnover from continuing operations was €436.3 m, the company's operating result from continuing operations, excluding one-off items, came to -€6.0 million (compared to €9.1 m in 2005). The operating result as reported in the financial statements came to €-38.5 million (-€10.9 million).