




自有品牌品牌——也稱為“商店品牌”和“標簽”——是由製造商根據合同零售商。在歐盟市場的增長為代價的製造商的品牌,他們通常使更高的利潤率。自有品牌產品在英國市場普及率最高,相比其他尼爾森調查的15個歐盟國家。自有品牌產品,包括食品和飲料,占2006年英國零售市場40%的份額,而前一年為38%。在德國,所有私人標簽的產品占銷售的30%的價值,在比利時29%,西班牙26%,和法國25%。尼爾森調查,編製私人標簽市場協會(格蘭),研究了16個歐盟國家,加上瑞士和挪威。自有品牌產品占46%的市場份額在瑞士,在那裏他們的普及率最高的國家尼爾森調查。而尼爾森在英國有一個單獨的類別對麵包店產品調查,如果不是不可能的話很難讓其他國家基於比較的部分分析師提供的格式。BakeryandSnacks.com要求尼爾森提供一個解釋令人困惑的方法分辨麵包店和零食產品為其他國家。讓-雅克•Vandenheede尼爾森分析師說,該公司的研究人員“朝著一個共同的定義,但這些還沒有可用的”。然而,英國市場作為領頭羊的趨勢正在整個歐盟。 In the UK, the private label bakery segment is among the top five strongest product categories. UK private label bakery products suffered a 1.3 percentage point decline from 59.6 per cent in 2005. The decline hides the gains made in certain product sub-categories. The market for pretzels/salt sticks showed the greatest market gain within the biscuits segment, gaining 10.4 percentage points between 2005 and 2006 to 45.9 per cent. This was closely followed by boudoir/sponge fingers which went up 7.5 percentage points to 87.4 per cent. Within the overall bakery segment for the UK, the largest market gain was seen in large fruit pies, gaining 15.4 percentage points to 72.4 per cent. However, private label packaged sundaes gained 8.5 percentage points to hold 100 per cent of the market. In France, own branded biscuits are among the top ten product departments, holding 27.3 per cent of the overall market. Vienna bread and buns gained 5.5 percentage points to hold 32.7 per cent of the market, while snacks in general dropped 5.5 percentage points to 31.6 per cent of the market. Private label flour confectionery dropped 19.3 percentage points to hold 33 per cent of the market. In the German own brand market, baking products hold a 60 per cent share, up 2.2 percentage points on 2005. Own brand hearty snacks were among the top products in the country for market share growth, up 16.4 percentage points to 38.5 per cent of the market. Private label butter baguettes gained 9.7 percentage points reaching 62.3 per cent of the German market, and fresh pastry gained 4.9 percentage points to hold 50.3 per cent. In Belgium, however, own brand biscuits and bakery products were among the strongest in the market segments, holding a 32.5 per cent share. The market for own branded biscuit selections for children was the top gainer in the country gaining 19.1 percentage points to hold 36.6 per cent by value of the market, followed by chocolate biscuits for children gaining 14.6 percentage points to 27.7 per cent. Own brand exotic mix held the greatest market share of 86.5 percent, followed by trail mix at 72 per cent. In Spain, private label bakery and biscuits held 22.4 per cent of the overall market, up 2.3 percentage points on 2005. Own brand cakes held a 50.7 per cent share and own brand bread rolls went up 4.5 percentage points to capture a 38.9 per cent share of the market. In Switzerland, where private label holds the greatest market share, own branded biscuits hold 59.3 percent of the market, nuts hold a 68.6 percent market share and snacks at 45.7 per cent. Overall, the Nielsen survey indicates that the private brand market grew in 15 of the 18 countries. Western European countries had significant growth, despite strong competition from manufacturer brands. However, the biggest gains were made in Central and Eastern Europe, where modern retailing is rapidly taking root, Nielsen stated.“在過去的幾年裏,A-brands發起了強有力的反擊,停止由零售商和批發商的品牌擴張,”布萊恩Sharoff格蘭總統說。

