市場需求受到越來越多的消費者意識的需要更健康的生活方式。市場預計,到2010年達到392億美元的價值,目前由美國,今年的銷量預計將達到170億美元,僅根據全球行業分析師的調查結果。全球需求的其餘部分是由西方歐洲市場和日本,而隨著美國占全球總消費量的88%。報告強調,市場被劃分為兩個不同的類別。首先是專業,專業運動員和運動營養身體建設者,這已經是一個成熟的市場,尤其是在美國,它是一個專家。第二個是能量飲料,通過所謂的“振興成分”的包容都變得越來越流行在成人和兒童的喜愛。結果,部分美國預計將增長33.7%。在歐洲,英國和德國,目前最大的市場合並銷售額達46億美元。法國是該地區增長最快的市場的複合年增長率為18%。法國市場所表現出的潛力將會作為驚喜一些分析師考慮禁令的國家紅牛的品牌,這是一個主要的能量飲料的名字。日本的能量飲料的需求預計將經曆溫和增長相比,報告補充說。 Continued growth within the energy drink segment is expected to be driven by marketing drives designed to broaden the current appeal of the products, the report says. The existing market is generally male-orientated, with producers therefore expected to step up marketing and re-branding to attract more females to purchase its products, while also retaining an ageing customer base. As such, a growing number of manufacturers in the industry are expected to use buzzwords such as "light", "sugar-free", "low carb", on their products to entice female consumers. Greater innovation in formulation is also expected, in a bid to attribute greater health and energy benefits that can be targeted to specific lifestyles and consumer demands, according to the report. Major players within the market are split in between two group's including beverage and health care giants like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Danone and GlaxoSmithkline, and dedicated energy drink brands like Red Bull and Dark Dog. The market in Japan is dominated by local companies like Taisho, which produce the Lipovitan brand amongst others.