




這些公司說,他們已經同意用——或者已經新配方——確保原料的飲料含有不會形成苯。公司還同意給消費者更換任何產品,再形成之前就已經完成的日期。美國集體訴訟是飲料製造商,要求把飲料從商店的貨架上,用他們的產品,並提供退款給客戶。解決涉及百事,Sunny Delight飲料有限公司,明星公司,極地飲料公司和沙士達山飲料公司,據《福布斯》雜誌。可口可樂最初是套裝的一部分,定居在可能和更換提供飲料,新配方產品的影響。訴訟指稱,百事可樂的飲食野生櫻桃飲料苯含量近四倍的最大程度的十億分之五飲用水中苯的環境保護署。集體訴訟最初提交的律師霍華德·休厄爾和霍華德·魯賓斯坦。苯汙染恐慌爆發後妹妹發布BeverageDaily.com,針對軟飲料公司在訴訟中五種不同的美國。百事可樂和其他新配方飲料去年秋天,在媒體的關注。與此同時,美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)昨日更新的名單上飲料和其他飲料調節器檢測苯。 The FDA has no standard for benzene in beverages other than bottled water, for which FDA has adopted the the EPA's maximum contaminant level of 5 ppb for drinking water, as a quality standard. Out of 186 beverages sampled, 10 have so far been found to contain benzene levels above the 5 ppb level set for drinking water, the FDA stated. Nine of the products have since been reformulated and the levels are now from 1 to 1.5 ppb. The remaining product is no longer manufactured. Renewed concerns about benzene's presence in soft drinks have grown since a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientist revealed to BeverageDaily.com in February that recent tests had again found some soft drinks with benzene above the maximum level considered safe in US tap water. The FDA has stressed that benzene levels it has found so far did not pose an immediate health risk to consumers, but that some reformulation would be required. The suspected source of benzene is two common ingredients - sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid, or vitamin C - in the drinks, although potassium benzoate has been shown to cause the same problem. Elevated temperatures and light can also stimulate benzene formation in the presence of the two ingredients. The FDA and soft drinks industry have known this for 15 years, as well as that exposing a drink containing these ingredients to heat could significantly raise benzene levels. An internal FDA memo dated December 1990 says soft drinks firms approached the agency concerned about benzene traces in their drinks. Industry and FDA testing ensued. No public announcement was ever made, and an FDA chemist there at the time told BeverageDaily.com the agency privately agreed for the industry to "reformulate and get the word out". Both he and the American Beverage Association admitted earlier this year, however, that some companies, and particularly those formed since the problem arose, may have been left outside of the loop. More than 1,500 soft drinks containing a combination of sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid or citric acid have been launched across Europe, North America and Latin America in the last four years. Food safety authorities around the world began testing drinks for benzene in light of the FDA's renewed investigation. Work by independent scientist James Neal-Kababick exposed a problem. Kababick, who claimed to have devised a better test for benzene, told BeverageDaily.com the FDA's procedure exposed drinks to heat, which could cause more benzene to form in the drink and so skew results in so-called off-the-shelf testing. The FDA list of tested beverages can be accessed here:http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/ ~ dms / benzdata.html







加州杏仁董事會提供的內容| 14 - 4月- 2023 |白皮書




內容由嘉吉| 21 - 3月- 2023 |白皮書

