




英敏特(Mintel)預測,在截至2012年的6年裏,英國薯片和零食市場預計將增長6%,以當前價格計算達到24.6億英鎊(合36.2億歐元)。報告稱,在經曆了兩年的銷售下滑之後,2006年英國薯片和零食行業增長了略低於2.5%,預計2007年將進一步增長。英敏特在分析中指出,消費者正在尋找更健康的產品,但他們不想在口味或質量上妥協。報告稱,目前銷售額的增長主要是由於對高檔產品的需求不斷增長,如手工炸薯片或用替代材料製作的烘焙零食。2004年至2006年間,標準薯片或普通薯片的銷量下降了3%,而優質品牌薯片的銷量同期增長了4%。報告稱,近年來,手工炸薯片的需求增長了約20%至30%。英敏特表示,雖然高端產品的脂肪含量通常較低,但這些品牌也因為新鮮度和質量更能吸引消費者。英敏特表示,生產商正受益於附加值銷售,因為消費者將薯片視為放縱的款待,因此會購買更昂貴的薯片係列,而不是日常零食。隨著薯片公司為季節性和其他促銷產品推出不同口味的產品,縮短生產時間變得越來越普遍。英敏特認為,這類產品的流行源於英國人口結構的變化,與兒童相比,成年人傾向於購買更昂貴的優質產品。 Declining birth rates will reduce the under 15 population over the next few years, while the 45 to 55 age group will grow by about 11 per cent by 2011, the market analyst stated. Crisps marketed at children have experienced lower sales over the last five years, falling by 3.3 per cent in 2006 alone. The report advises manufacturers to focus on reformulating classic "child-friendly" brands such as hula-hoops to give them a healthier image, as it points out that parents are more likely to buy snacks for the family that they perceive as being "good for health". The report also warns that, perversely, consumers are turning away from brands created specifically for the "lite" or diet market, and sales of products such as Walkers Lites fell by 16 per cent in 2006. Mintel suggests that although consumers want healthier products, they perceive these brands as not being as tasty as regular brands, hence the continuing popularity of flavours such as ready salted, salt and vinegar and cheese and onion. In real terms, with inflation for food taken into consideration, this represents 3 per cent rate of decline. Therefore the industry faces significant challenges in keeping up significant levels of growth rate, mintel says. The drive to healthy eating will continue to cause consumers to question their purchases of crisps and snacks, and restrictions on advertising to children will also impact on demand in a key target market. The report questions how long the premium sector of the market will be able to sustain volume sales in the long term. It also warns that the industry faces a tough task in promoting crisps and snacks as healthy snacking options in the face of strong competition from alternatives such as fruit and cereal bars. Crisp manufacturers are willing to continue the fight however, and many have already rolled out innovative new lines that target health conscious but taste-sensitive consumers. UK crisp maker Kettle Foods is adding to its lentil Crispy Bakes range, launching salt and malt vinegar bakes to join other flavours such as tomato, basil and green peppercorns and mild cheese and sweet onion. United Biscuits UK (UBUK), one of the UK's largest crisp manufacturers, reformulated this year many of its core brands to re-establish the products as healthier snacks, and brands such as Hula Hoops are now made with rice flour, Maize and wheat bran. According to market analyst group Leatherhead International, the US, UK and Germany have established markets for rice snacks and sales in these regions totalled $264m (€210.5m) last year.






嘉吉| 2023年3月21日|技術/白皮書




ADM | 23-Feb-2023 |案例研究

