烤全麥零食市場增長潛力,報告說,食物,如烤箱烤米飯薯片的銷售預計將經曆一個累計增長率為百分之八在接下來的5年。全球調查結果顯示消費者越來越意識到這些有益健康的食品,與早些時候報道,聲稱高纖維食品的銷售和消費很低。據報道,北美和歐洲的消費者是最清醒的優勢與吃粗糧。美國是最大的市場,2006年估計為56億美元(€41億),而歐洲預計將在2010年有29%的市場份額。在亞洲新興市場也經曆了相當大的增長,分析師表示。他們預計,亞太地區,包括日本,將見證最快的增長率,百分之七左右,與中國緊隨其後。中國的全穀物出口也增加,繁榮歸功於改善種子種植方法,加強灌溉設施和其他投資的處理方法。該國出口幾乎是玉米、小麥和大米為加拿大、澳大利亞和美國,分析師稱。全麥產品被定義為包含穀物麩皮和胚芽,以及胚乳。精製穀物隻包含胚乳。 Fibre-rich and whole grain foods have been linked to relieving a number of health benefits over the past few years, especially cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol, but also asthma and diabetes. In this year alone, both the International Food Information Council (IFIC) and the US Food and Drug Administration have published fact sheets for consumers who are trying to eat more whole grains but remain confused about their health effects and sources. However, certain industry players remain convinced that whole-grain and fibre consumption remains low. At the latest European congress of the American Association of Cereal Chemists International (AACCI) in Montpellier, France, Francesco Pantò, director of pasta firm Barilla, claimed that whole grains are perceived as being "empty" energy foods. He quoted information from the US Department of Agriculture's ERS, which stated that thanks to low-carb diets, cereal consumption is falling. His claims appear to be supported by other surveys taken across the world. The US-based National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey revealed last year that only eight per cent of American adults consumed three or more servings of whole grains every day, while a 1996 Italian study suggested that the country's population was meeting recommended daily intake levels for everything apart from complex carbohydrates.