英國食品標準局今年一直參與討論的方法來減少飽和脂肪的食品。最終的目的是幫助減少肥胖症的發病率。溝通可以幫助刺激食品配料行業的專業領域,為公司開拓新市場,建立他們的業務dairy-derived產品。百分之一的牛奶是一個概念更受歡迎在美國大西洋這一邊的,消費者希望低脂牛奶傾向於尋找脫脂牛奶。這有脂肪含量不超過0.5%,半脫脂牛奶,另一方麵,通常包含1.5至1.8%的脂肪。這意味著百分之一的牛奶位於兩者之間,和這意味著這是一個尚未開發的資源,可以幫助改善食品的健康檔案,如果在配方中使用。事實上,英國金融服務管理局表示,許多製造商沒有意識到他們可以合法使用脂牛奶在他們的產品。“使用它代替高脂肪牛奶可以使一些製造商減少飽和脂肪和熱量在他們的產品。”It envisages one per cent fat milk being used a wide range of products, including sauces and dairy-based desserts. According to Rosemary Hignett, head of nutrition at the Food Standards Agency, confusion about whether or not one per cent milk is acceptable as a food ingredient arose during discussions with the industry about ways to reduce saturated fat levels. The FSA opted to issue clear advice as a result of this confusion. "We hope that this advice will clarify the situation for manufacturers and retailers and, where appropriate, result in one per cent fat milk being used in place of other higher fat milk ingredients," she said. "Using one per cent milk could help to reduce saturated fat levels in some foods and would be a positive move for the consumer." The advice also highlights the benefits of the government agency consulting closely with stakeholders such as industry about ways in which the two entities can work together to improve the healthy profile of ingredients. The FSA has been consulting with stakeholders - including industry members and bodies, consumer groups and regulators - about ways to reduce saturated fat in foods since March this year. It issued draft guidance at that time, and was accepting comments until June 19. It has not yet made any formal announcement of the upshot of the consultation. However is said in March that it was seeking views in four specific areas: Making people more aware of healthy eating and the effects of too much saturated fat on health; encouraging manufacturers to make smaller portion sizes more available; helping to make use healthier, reduced-saturated fat alternatives to every day foods are widely available; and encouraging the food industry to improve its recipes.