




通信和市場副總裁拉比Eliyahu賽潔食認證服務的聯盟(OU)告訴FoodNavigator.com,增加原料公司尋求認證。隨著越來越多的猶太消費產品可用時,供應商不願意被排除在市場之外。而美國是最大的猶太市場迎合是地理上廣泛的公司。的事實或者在土耳其和中國植物的書,例如,在中國超過300(主要成分)工廠並不意味著有很大的消費者對猶太產品在這些當地市場的需求。相反,尋求認證公司希望出口到美國。OU,總部在美國,在83個國家認證6000株(包括原料和成品製造商)。數據來自Mintel的全球新產品數據庫見證美國和歐洲之間的巨大差異大小合適的市場。新產品的數據庫包含大約12000個條目在美國在過去的五年裏,在歐洲相比,不到400。法國成分公司Solabia最近推出了連續猶太蛋白腖、玉米胚芽蛋白酶解物的生產工廠在博韋,法國,作為能夠更快地滿足需求,幫助降低成本。蛋白腖-酶消化的植物動物蛋白食品行業使用的發酵劑的生產益生菌乳製品或食物。 Solabia has now transfered all production of meat peptones to its facility in Brazil, so it is not longer making any products that could contaminate the line in France. This is not the first time they have made kosher products, but Miller said that the company made be "somewhat unique, in that most people do it on a campaign basis". Since in most factories a range of different products are produced, it is not possible to dedicate the whole facility to kosher strategy. Rather, they decide to make kosher products only at certain times of the year. A drawback of this is that cleaning the production lines under rabbinical supervision can call for between 24 and 48 hours down-time. This means that the cost is spread over limited products - and it is not only the cost of koshering (said to range from $2,500 and $5,000) that must be considered, but non-kosher products that are not being made and sold at that time. "Proportionately it is a lot more expensive for customers," said Miller. He added that they cannot respond to market demand fast, as they production is limited to the allocated time frame. Miller agreed that because of the precepts of traceability, mixing specifications and no contamination between milk and meat products, there is often a perception of higher quality. In times of general concern about the safety of food supply, such a perception can make kosher foods attractive to non-Jewish consumers too. In a survey conducted in the US by Mintel in 2005, 55 per cent of respondents who buy kosher foods said they thought they held a higher market of health and safety than non-kosher items. Mintel identified demand for dairy- and meat-free products as driving forces behind market growth - despite the shrinking US Jewish population. Moreover food that is certified as Kosher is also suitable for Muslims who follow a Halal diet.







加州杏仁董事會提供的內容| 14 - 4月- 2023 |白皮書

