



吉百利史威士(Cadbury Schweppes)今天公布的營業利潤下降

公司重組本身關注新興市場和關鍵品牌和細分。收入是£23.3億(€34.5億)£22.9億(€33.9億)相比去年同期。兩位數的增長在口香糖和新興市場意味著潛在的收入上漲了百分之六,該公司表示。吉百利在6月宣布一個完整的重組為了精簡其業務,專注於盈利的品牌和市場。該公司還在出售其美國飲料業務。總£53米花在重組期間這一半,6月重組成本吉百利£34米,美洲飲料業務的分離成本£4 m。該公司還表示,潛在的利潤因為發射的Trident口香糖品牌在英國和£2006 m沙門氏菌爆發的好。謝菲爾德的暫時關閉工廠由於洪水在英國會影響收入,雖然大多數應該由保險,吉百利說。生產已經恢複一些線,更多的線增加在未來幾周,該公司表示。收購吉百利了£340 m三在這上半年為了加強其業務在不同的市場。 These included Intergum in Turkey, Romania's second largest confectionery company Kandia-Excelent, and Sansei Foods in Japan. The company said it expects to deliver a return of £250m from the non-core disposal programme by the end of 2007. Cadbury reorganised its businesses into four main core regions from July 1; Britain, Ireland, Middle East and Africa (BIMA), Europe, Americas, and Asia Pacific. Within Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), first half revenue increased one per cent to £1.11bn on 2006, mainly due to the launch of Trident within the UK in February. Strong growth in gum across Europe strengthened revenues, and all confectionery categories within the UK were ahead by 5 per cent, Cadbury said. However, operating profit was down by 25 per cent within the region, due to a £10m investment in the UK gum launch and £10m costs due to the phasing of results from Cadbury Nigeria. The operating margin was 8.7 per cent for this half compared to 11.7 per cent in the same half in 2006. Within the Americas business operating margin was 17.7 per cent compared to 14.4 per cent in 2006, with revenues up 2 per cent to £651m. Revenue growth was 12 per cent for the half, with 9 per cent in the North American developed markets, and 15 per cent in the Latin America emerging markets, Cadbury said. The 6 per cent growth in the US gum market helped Cadbury's market share reach 35 per cent compared to 27 per cent in 2003. Revenues within Asia Pacific region were up £10m to £563m however operating margins were 8.2 per cent compared to 9.4 per cent in the same half 2006. Cadbury said revenues in India were up by 20 per cent, particularly for Cadbury Eclairs. Revenues were ahead by 2 per cent in South East Asia, and revenues were down 6 per cent in Thailand due to the political uncertainty. Revenues were 18 per cent lower in China due to withdrawing from 180 of the 200 operating cities during this half through the brand and market focus. However, the company announced that it may decide to split its Americas beverages business as opposed to selling it, if the the debt market failed to stabilise. Cadbury said it will continue to make investments during 2007 to focus on its key markets, including the UK gum business and the expansion of Stride in the US.“我們預計下半年好收入的持續增長,同時將影響利潤率的增長的組合投資和更高的投入成本,”首席執行長Todd Stitzer先生說。然而,該公司稱,投入成本高,尤其是與世界各地的乳製品,將意味著利潤將不會提高整個2007年。吉百利為青年的利潤率目標2011,預計儲蓄的調整將從2008年。


