



隨著今年在芝加哥舉行的IFT 2007食品博覽會塵埃落定,

所有人都聽到了響亮而清晰的信息——健康和健康,這才是未來所在。這不是我們不知道的。當你考慮到世界上最大的食品公司雀巢(Nestle)正在轉型為一家健康和保健公司時,不需要博士學位就能看到更大的圖景。雖然這是我第一次參加IFT,但我被告知,在展廳裏,營養和功能成分的存在從未像現在這樣強烈。這隻能是一件好事。幾乎我參加的每一個攤位都有一些與健康和健康有關的成分。一些公司甚至不遺餘力地強調其成分的潛力。在一個攤位上,我吃了大量富含益生元的酸奶,而在另一個攤位上,我吃了一整塊由富含omega-3 (DHA)的麵團製成的披薩。含有我每日所需纖維的五分之一的水衝下了披薩,富含類黃酮的巧克力結束了這頓飯。即使是時差也不能減少我在演出結束時的健康容光煥發。 But it wasn't just in the booths that nutraceuticals and functional ingredients were grabbing the limelight. The scientific sessions and the posters were also packed with the health boosting potential of various compounds and extracts. The poster sessions, showing as yet unpublished research from (predominantly) universities around the globe gave an insight into the direction of research, with contacts made and subjects flagged for follow-up. While I did spot representatives from some food ingredients companies perusing the posters, it did come as a surprise that many more were not scouring the abstracts and conclusions, spotting opportunities and ideas that they could take home and implement. One big area getting plenty of attention was gut health, with a big presence by probiotics, prebiotics, and fibre producers - which seemed quite apt given that the show was held in the Windy City. Bioterrorism and food security also featured heavily. It was interesting to note that over 50 per cent of press releases from the IFT communications people (not releases from companies) were focussed on safety and bioterrorism. (Less than 25 per cent were about health and wellness). With recent fears over contamination of ingredients fresh in everyone's mind it was unsurprising that this topic figured so heavily. Consumers need to be reassured just as much as the industry as of the quality of ingredients sourced from wherever. But the focus was only really noticeable from the resources available in the press office. On the floor, very little was being said about this, with exhibitors focussing on the positives of their ingredients, and finding innovative ways to draw you into their stand. There were some criticisms uttered of the show, which, as a journalist with a healthy interest in gossip, I quickly picked up on. "太寬泛,沒有真正的重點。”這是一個這樣的評論。“太演出。”是另一個。你不可能一直取悅所有人。最後,選擇在芝加哥舉辦奧運會也是一個偉大的決定——芝加哥是一個具有獨特魅力和氛圍的城市。新奧爾良已被選定為明年奧運會的主辦城市,希望它能像上屆奧運會一樣出色。斯蒂芬·丹尼爾斯是nutra配料網和FoodNavigator.com的食品科學編輯。他擁有貝爾法斯特女王大學化學博士學位,曾在荷蘭和法國從事研究工作。如果你想對這篇文章發表評論,請聯係stephen.daniells'at'decisionnews.com


