




銷售組增加了百分之八,CHF51.1bn(€312億)6月結束的背麵的食品和飲料品牌。營業利潤上升13%,利潤上升了16.7%,至0.7。公司決定4月收購後,諾華的戈貝爾業務,雀巢公司表示,將繼續關注推動更大的運營效率和價值的食品和飲料業務操作。該集團還宣布,將開始為期三年的CHF25bn(205億美元)的股票回購計劃。雀巢公司董事長包必達(Peter表示,他相信該組織將繼續經曆增長在其操作,因為它專注於利潤率更高的產品,提高生產效率。“盡管增加投入成本壓力,我相信2007年雀巢實現有機增長超過目標,以及可持續的提高利潤率,”他說。這種關注已經導致改進表現在整個集團的投資組合在此期間,尤其是在其乳製品、冰淇淋和飲料部門粉。集團的粉末和液體飲料產品的銷售增長了9.2%,CHF8.4bn(€51億)在有機方麵的集團的雀巢和內斯塔的銷售品牌。米洛品牌的奶飲料也表現強勁的信號強度的營養重點,該公司表示。利潤部分的同期增長了22.7%,至0.6,由於其商品的價格上漲。牛奶產品,冰淇淋市場銷售額為CHF10bn(€61億),有機增長7.1%,盡管增加原料奶的成本壓力在亞洲,非洲和拉丁美洲,雀巢補充道。讚揚創新集團在其冰淇淋品牌health-focused和溢價範圍,和改進生產效率駕駛營運利潤率增長1.6的部分。通過雀巢水分裂,銷售額增加10.3% CHF5.4bn(€33億)特別是通過在北美銷售強勁,其雀巢純生活品牌發布40有機增長。增加銷售在較小的市場,如中東和拉丁美洲幫助抵消了包裝成本上升,利潤率提高了9.3%,至0.1。其營養組合,嬰兒配方奶粉和醫療品牌主導段與銷售有機增長10.5% CHF3.4bn(€20億)。珍妮•克雷格的收購在2006年8月達到部門的利潤率,下降了18.7%,至0.2。新興市場增長推動雀巢糖果品牌,與段發布一個有機銷售增長4.6%,CHF5.3bn(€32億)。 Markets including Brazil, South Asia, Venezuela and the Middle East, all posted double-digit volume growth for the brands. A segment-wide focus on restructuring operations and product ranges, particularly in the UK and US, led to 1.2 percentage point improvement in margins to 9 per cent for the half year. Prepared dishes and cooking aids posted sales of CHF8.7bn (€5.3bn), an organic increase of 3.1 per cent over the same period the previous year. This was in part the result of marginal price increases as well as volume growth for its culinary ranges in emerging markets, and chilled culinary brands in North America and Europe, according to Nestle. As with the group's other health-focused innovations, changes to the Lean Cuisine range of goods led to an improved performance for the brand in the North America. Frozen food sales in the country are therefore expected to accelerate during the second half of the year, the company said. However, margins for the segment were down by 0.4 percentage points over the period, blamed by Nestle on competitive conditions in the market, and realignment of internal costs. The group's petcare and pharmaceutical segments posted 7.2 per cent and 11 per cent organic growth respectively. Sales in its petcare division reached CHF5.9bn (€3.6bn) with margins up 0.2 percantage points to 14.9 per cent. Pharmaceutical sales reached CHF3.7bn (€2.2bn) for the period, with margins up by 1.3 percentage points to 32.9 per cent, on the back of double digit growth for its joint ventures in the segment.

