盡管最近可可價格創紀錄高位,ICCO本周表示,潛在的強大的作物產量在西非的2007/08賽季幫助緩解價格壓力。許多大型製造商,包括吉百利和卡夫,最近聲稱,高投入成本造成影響利潤率近幾個月。然而,7月價格還是每噸136美元(€100)高於6月,平均每噸2153美元(€1590)。“可可市場的發展發生在7月非常有趣,”ICCO在報告中稱。“近幾個月創下的紀錄水平之後,市場參與者現在想知道可可市場已經進入了一個新的階段的特點是低可可價格。”Bad weather patterns have already affected crops for the 2006/07 season, and the ICCO predicts a "significant production deficit". This has already been putting price pressures on raw materials for the chocolate industry, however the ICCO now says the future may be more positive as manufacturers and processors are beginning to trust the market more. "The level of forward fixed price coverage of cocoa processors and chocolate manufacturers, which was estimated to be relatively low in the preceding months, has improved, putting less pressure on the upward side," said the ICCO. The outlook for West African crops in the coming season improved during July due to heavier rains, and so this could help encouraged the future stabilisation of prices, claimed the ICCO. However, the report does note that there is "no clear evidence yet that the 2007/08 growing season will experience a production surplus".