



這就是為什麼全球監管機構必須遵守加州最近的開拓對此類產品標簽。如果州長Schwarzeneggar同意,至少加州將做好準備。比爾某人63要求標簽指示當食物供人類消費實際上是來自動物克隆或其後代。而反對者認為這樣的標簽要求是不成熟的,隻會嚇到消費者,事實是他們是一個明智的措施,準備技術的不確定的後果。十年以來來去是世界上第一隻克隆動物,多利羊,誕生了。盡管多莉是一個蘇格蘭人,對她的同類公司的監管似乎黎明在大西洋的另一邊,在州長Schwarzeneggar現在直到10月15日簽署或否決該法案。估計什麼時候來自克隆動物的食物可以在市場上各有不同,但許多科學家警告說,這項技術還不是很清楚。即使是美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)一樣勇敢的勇士,它不太可能需要來自克隆動物的食品標簽。聯邦權威發布的初步風險評估在2006年12月在這個問題上,公眾評論期緊隨其後。結果的研究沒有發現任何特定風險的商品。 Stifled by all the hot air, Washington's Center for Food Safety issued a report in March on the safety of food from animal clones, in which it denounced these findings. The Center wrote that none of the studies under the umbrella of FDA's investigation actually focused on the safety of meat from cloned cows or pigs, or even the milk or meat from the offspring of cloned animals. While the federal agency still has a voluntary ban imposed on the sale of food from cloned animals, it will decide whether to lift this ban following review of the recent public feedback. Food manufacturers are being equally wishy-washy. The Grocery Manufacturers Association-Food Products Association (GMA-FPA) is against labeling food derived from cloned animals - however, it supports the use of labels for food that is not sourced from cloned animals. This 'reverse' labeling is to avoid scaring consumers away from cloned products. Polls indicate consumers are already wary of a technology they know best as a gauntlet of baby animals on the six o'clock news that have names like Snuppy, CC and Ralph. In May, a national survey conducted by Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports, revealed 69 percent of Americans have concerns about cloned meat and dairy products in their food supply. In terms of labeling, the survey indicated 89 percent want to be made aware if their foods come from cloned animals. Manufacturers in favor of cloning say the technology could save years of breeding time and allow farmers to pre-select their best livestock in order to make them leaner or disease-free, for example. However, detractors point to the fact that many of these animals have been weaker and more antibiotic dependent than their non-cloned counterparts. Already suffering from arthritis and lung disease, poor Dolly was euthanized at the young age of six. While we hope her life was not in vain, regulators worldwide should nonetheless take California's lead and put in place safeguards for our long-term safety.她Douaud記者與NutraIngredients-USA.com和有生活和工作在加拿大,愛爾蘭、阿根廷和法國。如果你想評論,發送電子郵件到:clarisse.douaud@decisionnews.com

