




會議,可能延續到明天舉行的歐洲委員會將繼續推動共同農業政策(CAP)歐盟改革旨在提高競爭力的食品和飲料生產與全球競爭對手。這些改革尤其關注當前21共同市場組織(CMOs)為每個食品領域。處理器的這可能是至關重要的,他目前麵臨前所未有的牛奶和穀物等原材料價格上漲由於全球供應下降。討論動物安全之前,最近爆發的禽流感、口蹄疫等疾病在歐元區,繼續影響乳製品和肉類出口。意見更改在農業生產中,無論是市場支持和質量標準,然後將遵循與討論三個玉米轉基因(GM)申請。在製造商和農民麵臨的緊迫的農業問題,所謂的“m的采用ini牛奶計劃”改革旨在簡化將討論乳製品生產的管理。在新規則下,牛奶將開放賬戶分類為低脂肪奶製品日益增長的消費需求。歐盟此前允許市場上隻有三個類別的牛奶,脫脂牛奶,半脫脂牛奶和全脂牛奶。這個行業,因此,將被鼓勵這些類別以外的開發產品,提供脂肪含量足夠標簽在包裝。變化也將對現有學校牛奶援助,引進一個簡化方案。學校牛奶計劃將提高援助從先前的€€18.15/100公斤16.11/100公斤,以促進兒童之間平衡的營養由於不斷上升的肥胖率在歐元區的擔憂。其他修正案包括脫脂奶粉幹預價格減少2.8%至169.80€/ 100公斤。同樣,葡萄酒產量將辯論的另一個關鍵領域最新的提議改變行業通過更好地利用€13億年預算分配給這個行業。新措施,已經證明爭議,旨在減少歐盟1.5 bn-litre葡萄酒湖的關於供應通過一係列的改革,製定和營銷。盡管全球需求增加更大的優質產品,消費的歐盟葡萄酒正在下降。因此,歐盟進口在過去的十年裏增加了10%,而出口增長放緩,根據歐盟數據。希望廢除這些措施將結束實踐在歐盟的付近一半的年度葡萄酒預算,€500,不賣不能飲用的蒸餾酒,工業酒精。歐盟還將提供激勵生產者希望離開這個行業,挖掘葡萄園來減少生產過剩的過程稱為除根。€430的初始預算將被設置為鼓勵生產者挖掘的第一年每公頃葡萄園€7174的速度刪除。通過第五和最後一年,預算將減少到€59米,每公頃的生產商收到大約€2938。這種做法可能在成員國對某些有限的葡萄園在山脈和陡峭的山坡上,那裏可能是對環境的關注。總的來說,歐盟希望通過除根減少歐盟約200000公頃的葡萄園。該計劃將由一個農村發展計劃,將創建一個資助計劃建立年輕農民,同時也提供幫助與營銷和職業培訓。就質量而言,使用糖豐富的葡萄酒將禁止在新規則下,而歐盟也將保留禁止進口的葡萄酒釀造法和混合歐盟葡萄酒與外國品牌。 The EU will also grant a budget of €120m to co-finance to promote the bloc's wines outside of the EU, to increase international market share. Funding would also be set aside for agri-environmental schemes to improve the industry's environmental impact. As of 7 May this year, amendments to sugar production have been in place to reduce output in the bloc in a drive for greater profitability. This focus includes fixing aid payments at 10 per cent, while granting further funding for producers that renounce their own quotas. According to the Commission, the changes should allow for further renunciation of 3.8m tonne of the sugar quota, on top of the 2.2m tonnes already made. In terms of cereals production, plans to boost lagging intervention stocks by removing the set aside rate that requires farmers to leave 10 per cent of their land unsown to ensure land sustainability, will come under consideration. The move is expected to boost crop output by 10m tonnes, though farmers which voluntarily wish to maintain a set-aside rate will be allowed to do so. The Commision will also rule on allowing three genetically modified maize products onto the EU market. These will include the varieties 59122 (Herculex), 1507xNK603 and NK603xMON810. If adopted the products would be allowed for use in everything but cultivation. Despite continued concerns in the bloc over sustainable fish stocks, the commission said that no fisheries points were on the agenda for today.

