該公司表示其BeMix口味是為了幫助釀酒商實現混合的味道——從椰子覆盆子,為了應對傳統啤酒銷售下降。一位發言人說:“謝謝,購買這類產品的主要原因是味道,BeMix可以基於多元化啤酒飲料範圍與原始協會和時髦的味道。”麵對傳統啤酒銷售的減少,BeMIX是一種新的替代扭轉這一趨勢。”企業正越來越多地關注如何吸引新的,年輕,啤酒消費者創新口味。去年德國的野生推出了自己的線混合啤酒飲料的成分和口味。野生表示,其柑橘口味啤酒混合飲料中也有很大的需求,與領先的味道被石灰。Aromatech表示,其結構包括22風味,味道和驗證了消費者小組由來自13個不同國家的102人。該公司說,這些測試可以幫助釀酒商決定哪些口味適合他們的需求。BeMix可以在三個不同的組分類基於啤酒和啤酒飲料,水果水果啤酒甚至吹噓15%的內容。口味將滿足各種口味,Aromatech說,和包括龍舌蘭酒、威士忌、椰子、綠茶、蘋果和樹莓。他們受到啤酒啤酒的名字BeMIX精神,BeMIX撚白啤酒、伏特加、朗姆酒和香草調味,巧克力、椰子、綠茶。BeMIX水果是一種白啤酒和水果。的味道也會吸引消費者正在尋找啤酒果味和苦味,Aromatech補充道。 Shrinking and stagnant beer markets across much of Western Europe have forced many international brewers to re-think their strategy in the region. Major companies have all reported losses. Carlsberg, for example, made a net loss of €24m in the first quarter of 2006, an improvement on a loss of about €40m in the same period in 2005. Analysts at Mintel predict UK consumers will drink on average 11 litres or 19 pints less of the product by 2012. Lager volume sales have declined five per cent since 2005. Volume sales are forecast to fall by a further eight per cent by 2012 to 3.65bn litres, Mintel said. As a result, the value of the market this year is expected to decline by four per cent to £10.9bn (€16m) from the levels recorded in 2005.