



算大的增值策略是一個食品公司。例如,DSM營養產品在過去三年鞏固的成熟維生素組合收購羅氏維生素,激烈的競爭意味著這不再是足夠的站頭和肩膀上休息。相反,它已經進入了專屬健康的成分,像Fabuless幫助體重管理,淨化綠茶提取Teavigo。同樣Tate & Lyle看到糖糖前景變暗的陰影下的改革,和一直忙於重新聚焦於健康和健康的市場。在第一個走出管道原料Promitor纖維。附加值成分的好處是,總的來說,他們甚至提供一些特別或獨特。這通常是形式的健康益處,可以利用變換基本食品功能性食品。因此,附加值成分可以命令一個更高的價格,所以他們使用的成品。事實上,強化和功能性包裝食品市場主流。歐睿國際價值西歐銷售在2006年€108.8億,2005年增加了12.1%。 But the big question now is, how attached have consumers become to these benefits? And will they still be prepared to shell out for them at a time when the foods they need for basic survival are costing them more? Put yourself in the supermarket aisle. Thanks to wheat fetching unprecedented prices, the loaf of bread you usually buy now carries a price-tag that is a few cents or pence more than last week. A pint of milk is more expensive, and the joint of beef you had planned on roasting for a family dinner on Sunday is going to cost you more than you had budgeted for. You only have a set amount to spend on your groceries. So can you really justify spending an extra euro or pound on a special probiotic yoghurt, instead of the run-of-the-mill variety that you would have enjoyed without a second thought? The mind of the consumer is a scary place, with uncharted nooks and crannies. And of course, everyone has different priorities. There are some who will forgo a packet of chocolate biscuits to get the probiotic yoghurt. Others will be unwilling to cut back on food at all, and will instead reduce their spending in other areas so as to keep buying the goodies they are used to. The latest edition of Defra's Family Food report for 2005 to 2006 found that expenditure on household food and drink in the UK rose by 2.2 per cent to £23.56 per person per week. While spending on fruit was up 12.9 per cent and on vegetables 6.3 per cent, spending on confectionery actually fell by 7.7 per cent. Soft drinks also suffered a dip in spending, by 5.7 per cent. The report authors took these data as pointers towards a general swing towards healthier eating. Although there is a vast difference between basic fruit and veg and packaged foods with added benefits, it would be unfair to say that there is no place for value-added foods in the current climate of high food prices. But it合理的謹慎行事,而不是把所有的歐米伽- 3豐富的雞蛋放在一個籃子裏。仍有一些人認為健康產品是奢侈品和拋棄他們一樣快有罪樂趣當壓力大的時候,可以建議食品公司保持一個開放的頭腦——而不是假定增值永遠等於增加了利潤。傑斯韓禮德是獲獎網站FoodNavigator.com的編輯。在過去的十年中她曾在印刷、廣播和網絡媒體在歐洲和美國。如果你想要評論這篇文章,請電郵jess.halliday特'decisionnews.com

