發表在美國國家癌症研究所雜誌》上,結果表明,經過四年的時期,女性減少膳食脂肪消耗的數量減少了40%比女性容易患卵巢癌是正常的飲食模式。結果並沒有透露強或統計上顯著的鏈接其他癌症的研究。這項發現很重要,不僅因為他們證實營養與癌症風險之間的聯係減少,還因為他們借給認為低脂肪飲食預防心血管或high-glycaemia-related條件有很大的好處。所有的女性生殖係統癌症,卵巢癌的死亡率最高。在英國,卵巢癌每年導致超過4000人死亡,根據英國癌症研究。而在2003年在美國,總共有14657名女性死於卵巢癌,卵巢癌國家聯盟(OCNA)說。OCNA數據顯示,69年女性患卵巢癌女性一生中,另一個在95年將死於這種疾病。由美國國立衛生研究院(NIH), WHI飲食修改試驗是在全國40個臨床中心,涉及48835名絕經後婦女健康的時間平均為8.1年。研究背後的想法是測試是否一個低脂肪飲食可以降低癌症和心血管疾病的風險。大約20000名婦女在低脂肪方案比較的對照組近30000名女性。 The first group of women was advised to decrease its fat intake to 20 percent of total calories and to replace calories from fat with calories from vegetables, fruits, and grains, while the second group received diet-related education materials only. As the researchers had expected, there was no effect determined for the first four years. The researchers found that those women who at the outset of the study had the highest fat intake, and then reduced their fat intake the most during the study, consequently experienced the greatest risk reduction for ovarian cancer. Women in both the study and control groups started with an average consumption of more than 35 per cent of their calories derived from fat. However, at the end of the first year, the low-fat diet group reduced average total fat intake to 24 per cent of calories from fat. This represented an approximately 11 per cent difference between this group and the usual diet group. By the end of the study, women in the low-fat diet group had increased their fat intake again - averaging at 29 per cent calories from fat, compared to 37 per cent calories from fat in the control group. Those on the low-fat diet also increased their consumption of vegetables, fruits, and grains. One of the largest studies of its kind ever undertaken in the US, the WHI trial claims to be the most comprehensive study to date of the causes and prevention of major disease in older women. The low-fat diet trial was one of three randomized clinical trials comprising the WHI - one related to hormone therapy, and the other studied the effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on osteoporosis-related bone fractures and colorectal cancer. Calcium and vitamin D supplements were found to be somewhat beneficial for preserving bone mass and preventing hip fractures. Source: Savage, Liz and Andrea Widener. Low-fat diet possibly linked to lower risk of ovarian cancer.中華腫瘤雜誌。2007 0:2141 - 1497。