指導行業需要做什麼為了得到一個健康聲明批準,到目前為止,不清晰。現在,隨著大規模的本質任務的黎明的權威,行業和消費者可能會發現自己的失敗者一組規定最初幫助。兩個小齒輪的第十三條(1924/2006)監管,控製任何食物索賠有關營養的作用,必須“基於公認的科學證據”和“普通消費者能夠理解的”。作為實際的實現更緊密,內置的變幻莫測原文需要清理。盡管歐洲食品安全局(EFSA)負責範圍的科學與健康聲稱,它並沒有明確表示它想從什麼行業的證據。問題是,科學總是主觀的,可能是接受一個科學學派,不得接受另一個。由於行業正準備轟炸EFSA成千上萬的建議。顯然企業——的巨大不確定性,猜測他們需要什麼,並盡可能避免錯過提交。這些提交的行業去成員國監管機構,直到今年年底,屏幕索賠。英國已經看2000索賠和芬蘭超過600人。其他國家被認為已經收到了多達4000。歐洲食品安全署已經表示將鬥爭如果它收到一個衝擊。它沒有無限的資源篩選聲稱,它在2010年初。 Currently the panel charged with doing so has just 11 members - although there is an option to bring in more. Basil Mathioudakis, head of food law, nutrition and labelling at the Commission has already said he was "concerned" over the number of claims coming forward. Not a comment that fills anyone full of confidence. Another major point of the 1924/2006 regulation is that nutrition and health claims must be for consumers' benefit - so the shopper knows exactly what a food is supposed to do for them. Article 13's criterion for a claim to be understood by the average consumer is also mired in haziness. What is an average consumer? How will their understanding be judged? To date there is no provision for evaluating how a consumer understands a health claim. And more worrying, while EFSA and other regulatory bodies have acknowledged a need for this, no one had come forward with how this can be done. Perhaps we can let EFSA off the hook here. After all, its remit is science, not consumer intelligence. But just who IS going to step up to the plate and tell us what's what? The time has come to stop passing the buck, or suffer the consequences. In the US, their version of health claims was introduced a couple of years ago and was too beset by delays. Despite pledging that a response would be given to all claims submitted within 365 days, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has exceeded this timeframe on a number of occasions. In one case the FDA was more than 300 days over an original deadline for approval. If EFSA and the Commission to which it answers, are not careful to issue instructions - clearly, and without further delay - they will find themselves in a similar situation. And the ultimate casualties of regulation that is not doing what it says on the tin will be consumer safety and industry innovation.亞曆克斯·麥克納利是NutraIngredients.com的資深記者,生活和工作在法國,布魯塞爾和英國。如果你想評論,發送電子郵件到:nyrk.zpanyyl@qrpvfvbaarjf.pbz