




舉行董事會會議昨日尋求食品行業的成員的觀點,消費者團體和行業監管機構衛生大臣艾倫·約翰遜後要求該機構的建議是否應該限製反式脂肪酸在英國。該機構也將FSA的科學谘詢委員會的意見營養,並將在董事會層麵討論這個問題。反式脂肪酸(使用)中天然奶製品和肉類,但絕大多數期間形成的部分氫化植物油,將原油轉化為半固態各種食品的應用。他們是非常有用的食品行業,因為他們延長保質期和協助加工食品中風味穩定性。然而,人們日益擔憂食用反式脂肪因為相關的健康風險。他們與壞膽固醇在血液和與動脈堵塞和冠心病風險增加。使用的推薦日攝食量蔬菜產地在歐盟目前2%。約翰遜已要求建議可用的證據使用對健康的影響和選擇單邊行動來限製他們的食物,包括自願和立法行動,和相關的法律含義。他還要求國際比較,無論是組織攝入量和采取的行動以及其他相關因素對食物重構和替代使用。到目前為止,減少脂肪酸在英國已經完全自願的基礎上,與一些公司願意做出重要改變。今年早些時候,桑斯博裏成為第一個大型零售商宣布計劃禁止反式脂肪所有自己的品牌食品。 This action was followed by similar pledges other large retailers. Some other countries have taken more significant steps in their control. Denmark introduced legislation in 2004 that required locally and imported foods to contain less that 2 per cent TFAs, effectively abolishing the use of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in the country. This year New York City banned restaurants from using them. Other cities, such as Boston and Chicago, are considering taking similar measures. Johnson has asked the Agency for a rapid response in this pressing issue, providing its advice by December 19. Banning the use of TFAs would have a huge impact on the food industry, requiring massive food reformulation. A survey carried out by the Food and Drink Federation this summer showed that the UK food industry has already committed itself to much food reformulation in the fight against obesity. Results showed that the recipes for at least £15bn (€21.5bn) worth of foods have less fat, sugar and salt, compared with 2004. In addition, a further £11.5bn (€16.5bn) worth of products that are lower in these ingredients have been launched.

