





穩定的微係統,產生大量的測試係統對食品和飲料產品,表示,製造商和消費者越來越期待不同的從他們的產品品質,stretchiness的奶酪或耐久性的意大利麵。集團歐洲銷售經理玉銀行過去告訴BakeryandSnacks.com,麵包師和其他食品生產商可能有頂級依賴人體試驗,以確保產品,看了看,味道和有一個一致的紋理。但是如果這個專長丟失,或公司擴大業務,食品生產中保持一致性,是否為特定國家市場或新產品線,比如飲食和健康的品種,是非常重要的,她補充道。她補充說,一個產品可以被識別的潛在缺點更成本有效的再形成。這是製造商尋求推動產品創新日益重要的低脂肪,或減少鹽產品,仍然有相同的現有產品的質地,她說。為了更好的利用這種需求,穩定微係統推出Dobraszczyk羅伯茨麵團膨脹係統,該公司聲稱允許麵包師更準確地複製烹飪過程的條件。這是通過一張麵團膨脹斷裂點具體的控製條件下,該公司表示。然後記錄下這些變化所提供的計算機軟件為麵包師提供數據的個人品質的麵團。通過測量應力、應變及粘度的麵團膨脹,該係統能夠更好的預測性能和麵筋質量的商品,從傳統的平麵包麵包,據該公司。該公司還說,可以確定一個產品的潛在缺點再形成更具成本效益。 Th data is increasingly important for manufacturers looking to drive product innovation like lower fat, or reduced salt products, with the same texture asexisting products, Stable Micro Systems added. Stable Micro Systems also used the show to display its latest testing technologies for dairy production, the Cheese Extensibility Rig. According to the company, the rig uses a fork probe that is entered into a molten cheese formulation. The machine then under specific user defined conditions lifts the fork up through the cheese to ascertain its strength under pressure. This determines how certain cheese formulations can adapt to being used in food formulation, according to the company. As with the Dough Inflation system, the rig uses additional software which can be used via a computer to measure and record variable properties in the cheese. This information can then be used by manufacturers to assess the quality factors of cheese for use in snack foods, toppings or even standalone packaging, the group said. While the stretch ability of cheese may appear to be a purely aesthetic factor, the group claims that processors are increasingly looking to ensure that every aspect of their products from taste to touch are up to standard.
