




射頻識別技術正在幫助改變物流通過提供一種跟蹤和追蹤單個產品在整個供應鏈。規定可跟蹤性和授權等大型零售商沃爾瑪和麥德龍處理器不得不放緩投資在技術。在歐洲,地鐵是引領。集團本月早些時候說,在10月底完成了一大步作戰部署的RFID在德國推出第二階段。世界第四大零售商此舉作為最大的RFID標簽項目在歐洲零售業。180個地點是由銷售品牌Metro Cash & Carry和真正的球型地鐵集團的中央倉庫物流。剩下的地點定於明年轉換,地鐵。也在國際層麵上,地鐵計劃擴展的部署RFID供應商在中國和越南。從2007年底開始,約100名供應商來自中國和越南將參加RFID試點項目“標簽很容易”。他們將與RFID標簽出口包轉發器。“通過這種方式,不同的效率收益還可以實現在亞洲和歐洲之間的供應鏈,”地鐵。地鐵第一次測試RFID 30中國供應商。地鐵使用RFID作為一種自動記錄交付。射頻識別標簽需要在每個運輸托盤送到公司。RFID閱讀器產品在門口自動識別和識別傳入的托盤。使用軟件時,係統檢查是否交付匹配訂單之前注冊他們的庫存管理係統。該公司還監控交付從倉庫到地鐵的品牌商店。改進的過程有助於防止不正確的交貨,增加庫存信息的準確性,地鐵在本月早些時候宣布的完成過程。“RFID也有利於供應商,例如在貨物發出的控製,”地鐵。“此外,交換數據與供應商了。”大約180個供應商已經參與項目和地鐵與所有其他供應商,該公司表示。公司提供三個特製的“入門套件”,以幫助供應商轉移到RFID。地鐵集團還鼓勵其供應商通過其未來存儲計劃的轉變。在試點商店IBM RFID推出的軟件供應。IBM和Checkoint承擔的係統集成與讀者門戶Intermec技術或Sirit公司。供應商德國麥德龍集團將支付罰款如果他們決定不船托盤與無線射頻識別標簽(RFID)技術。這個決定表明巨型零售商的嚴重性使供應鏈更有效率,和處理器的壓力來實現技術。RFID一直被視為未來的物流公司,允許零售商和供應商跟蹤貨物在整個供應鏈。然而高昂的價格標簽和係統一直熱情。隱私問題也在消費者層麵限製它的使用。 Mandates from such giant retailers as Wal-Mart and Metro are slowly forcing processors to make investments in the system. Martin Bruening, a Metro spokesman said as the retailer asks more suppliers to become part of the company's RFID roll-out, it expects to achieve more supply chain efficiency. "We will extend the accruing benefits to compliant suppliers by giving them preferred treatment at our facilities," he told FoodProductionDaily.com. "Those suppliers who don't use RFID will be charged with the higher process costs." Currently, Metro's RFID roll out involves about 180 locations in Germany, including the stores and distribution centers that service them. The stores belong to Metro Group's Cash & Carry wholesale chain and its Real hypermarket sales brand. In addition the company runs an RFID-enabled supply chain system between suppliers in China and Germany. Currently about 70 suppliers are already participating with RFID-enabled pallets to Metro's stores in Germany. Among them are big corporations like Procter & Gamble and medium-sized ones like Papstar, Bruening said. "By the end of 2007 several other suppliers will have entered in agreements after completing the discussions that are already well under way," he said. The group has produced guidelines for suppliers, which explain the necessary steps for implementating RFID. The company also has a special members section for suppliers at its website, which serves as information platforms. The company started international tests in 2006 through pilot projects concentrating on the supply chain between Hong Kong and Germany. Earlier this year Metro said RFID tests at one of its distribution centres in Germany had achieved read rates of close to 99 per cent. Earlier this year Metro told FoodProductionDaily.com that suppliers who do not use RFID will be penalised. Martin Bruening, a Metro spokesman said as the retailer asks more suppliers to become part of the company's RFID roll-out, it expects to achieve more supply chain efficiency.“我們將擴展積累兼容的首選供應商,向他們提供治療好處在我們的設施,”他說。“那些不使用RFID的供應商將被控過程的成本就越高。”今年早些時候地鐵說RFID測試在德國的一個配送中心取得了閱讀的比例接近99%。射頻識別使用無線係統,幫助企業追蹤產品、零件、貴重物品和氣溫——時間敏感貨物。轉發器、射頻識別標簽附加到對象。標簽將確定自己當它檢測到一個信號從一個讀者發出無線電頻率傳輸。每個RFID標簽攜帶信息如序列號、型號、顏色、組裝或其他類型的數據。當這些標簽通過字段生成compatiblereader,他們傳播這個信息回到讀者,從而識別對象。根據企業發展公司全球市場對射頻識別係統是23億年的2006美元,與硬件占近59%的銷量。地鐵集團2006年銷售額大約€600億。公司有270000名員工,在31個國家運營著約2400家分店。