


相關標簽吉百利史威士吉百利公司吉百利牛奶Dr pepper

吉百利史威士(Cadbury Schweppes)昨天提交的監管文件概述

管理的目標是利用規模和增長和收益最大化的主導地位,吉百利史威士(Cadbury Schweppes)在一份監管文件中說。吉百利的策略是變得越來越普遍在食品和飲料行業,與管理層經常引用需要單獨從核心和不斷增長的業務表現不佳的單位。分的提議下,股民將發布兩個新公司的股票。他們在吉百利股價將持有股票,糖果企業的新的控股公司在倫敦證券交易所上市。他們還將收到CSAB Inc .的股票,一個新公司持有美洲飲料業務,會在紐約證券交易所上市。飲料部門估計價值€100億。吉百利史威士(Cadbury Schweppes)”等產品包括品牌吉百利史威士,大廳,三叉戟,胡椒博士斯奈普,Trebor, Dentyne, Bubblicious和巴塞特。該公司首次宣布其分拆計劃今年6月19日。該公司說我們的目標是推動增長通過專注於“少、更快、更大、更好的參與和創新。吉百利史威士(Cadbury Schweppes)還提到作為一個目標的願望實現成本和提高效率來增加marginsinto到2011年左右。 Management is targeting annual organic revenue growth of between 4 to 6 per cent, while increasing its market share of the confectionery segment. The company plans to focus on 12 key markets, including the UK, US, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, India, Russia and Turkey. Together, the 12 focus markets represent about 70 per cent of current total revenues. The markets are forecast to account for about 60 per cent of expected category growth over the next five years, Cadbury Schweppes stated. The company also identified 13 focus brands as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Trident, Halls, Dentyne, Flake, Green & Black's and the Natural Confectionery Company. Together, the 13 brands currently account for about 50 per cent of confectionery revenues and have above average revenue growth and operating returns, Cadbury Schweppes staed. Cadbury Schweppes is currently the number one confectionery firm in Western Europe, holding 11.6 per cent of the market, as well as being number one in terms of global sales. This year, the company said it had boosted profits with its very successful moves within the chewing gum market, and the company now claims to be number one in 18 of the top 50 gum markets worldwide. The company has also made some steps in the organic and premium chocolate markets with its acquisition of the Green & Blacks range, Meade added. Like many other successful companies, Cadbury has made conscious efforts to reorganise operations in Western Europe in order to keep costs down. Only this month, the company announced the closure of a factory in the UK in order to move production to Poland, while Cadbury is currently focusing on moving the main offices out of central London to a cheaper location.


